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Q: What sport could you use for flexibility?
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What sport uses flexibility?

In gymnastics you need to use flexibility.

Is gymnastics a sport of strength?

it's both a sport of strength and flexibility

What is an example of a sport which focuses on flexibility?

gymnastics. oh how i hate gymnastics even though gymnastics isn't excatly a sport , but i don't actually think there is a sport which focuses on flexibility

Which sport needs the most flexibility?

The Kama Sutra

What sport needs flexibility?

Ant physical sport takes at least a little flexibility. For example a firstbaseman in base man need to strech out to get the baseball.

What is the basis of gymnastics?

Strength and Flexibility

Is water ballet a sport?

The actual term is Synchronized Swimming, and is definitely a sport. It is an Olympic sport as well. You need exceptional endurance, strength, and flexibility to participate.

Flexibility in work?

Flexibility in work could mean many different things. It could be that you have the flexibility to work from home at times, or the time of day you start and leave is flexible.

What are the ethical implications of drug use in sport?

you could get kicked off the team or you could possibly die

How can you use flexibility in a sentence?

1. We have to take a flexibility test in Physical Education today.2. Her flexibility is crazy!

How can a sport help you with another sport?

cause it could provide you with benefits and skills you don't currently have but do need in current sport i.e UFC they use a variety of sports but its still one sport MMA

How could you adapt your future workouts using the sport and fitt principles to improve your flexibility?

You could adapt your future workouts using the SPORT/FITT principles to improve your flexibility by choosing specificexercise, the progression of the exercise, overloaddoing more exercise than usual, reversing to slowly decrease the strength due to a stop in exercise, tedium to do different exercise to prevent boredom. frequency how much you exercise, intensity how hard you exercise, timehow long you exercise, and the type of exercise you do.