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Q: Which sport needs the most flexibility?
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What sport needs flexibility?

Ant physical sport takes at least a little flexibility. For example a firstbaseman in base man need to strech out to get the baseball.

Is gymnastics a sport of strength?

it's both a sport of strength and flexibility

What is an example of a sport which focuses on flexibility?

gymnastics. oh how i hate gymnastics even though gymnastics isn't excatly a sport , but i don't actually think there is a sport which focuses on flexibility

Which sport needs most calories to play?

soccer, its vigorous!

What sport uses flexibility?

In gymnastics you need to use flexibility.

What is the basis of gymnastics?

Strength and Flexibility

What are sports that do not require flexibility?

All sports in some way needs flexibility....... The amount it needs may vary.. But there is no sports without flexibility...

Is water ballet a sport?

The actual term is Synchronized Swimming, and is definitely a sport. It is an Olympic sport as well. You need exceptional endurance, strength, and flexibility to participate.

What sport could you use for flexibility?

Track and field(hurdles) cheerleading,

What sport needs a wicket keeper and a bowler?

The sport of cricket.

Why is basketball related to physical education?

it's a physical activity and it's sort of like exercise only fun. Basketball is a sport which needs a high level of energy, stamina and flexibility. Owing to all these reasons, it is in relation with physical education.

Why is cheeerleading a sport?

Cheer leading IS a sport. Most people think it is for girly girls but it actually takes more skill than soccer does. A cheerleader need more coordination than any other sport they will play except for softball. A cheerleader needs to have coordination, strengh, flexibility, aerobics and SPIRIT So for everyone who says you are such a cheerleader you might want to take that back because cheer leading takes skill and its NOT JUST FOR GIRLS!!!!! Guys are known to be great cheerleaders!!!!! SIGN UP TODAY