No, a person can be computer literate and totally unethical in its use.
steroids are the most use drug but most sports have drug test
Legal implications of drug use is a "loaded" question. It depends on whether or not the drug is legal for use in society. If the drug is "legal" AND prescribed by a physician licensed to prescribe said "drug", and used ONLY by the patient to whom the "drug" was prescribed, then there should be no LEGAL ramifications. If, AND ONLY if the "drug" in question is listed as ILLEGAL for consumption in society will legal ramifications occur. In other words: If you are using MEDICATION (drugs) that are illegal to use, or consuming Medication that has not been prescribed to you by a licensed physician, ultimately you are breaking the law.
Ethical implications of computer network attack central to theargument is whether computer network attack is a use of force atall.
for is the correct choice
it can be an advantage or disadvantage for the user depending on the drug drug use is banned anyway so don't try it and don't be getting any ideas
Use of disposable syringes and needles used in drug intake into the veins can be real risk and can pose a threat to others and are very harmful for the environment if not disposed properly.
This means what you do, in terms of your lifetime, how do your decisions effect how society treats you. Such as drug use, how will you effect society, as well as how would it treat you ?
No; it is unlawful to test new drugs on humans without authorization.
It very much depends on which religion, as each one has a different viewpoint on the subject.
it's unfair to those who don't use illegal drugs, like tom jones.
Mehrdad Hamidi has written: 'Drug abuse in sport' -- subject(s): Anabolic steroids, Drug use, Athletes, Doping in sports, Health aspects