The twist serve is probably the most difficult serve to return. Most pros use either the twist or topsin serve as their second serve. To hit a twist, brush the back of the ball(up then left-right). This is also called the American or Kick Serve, the kick serve is generated by putting loads amount of top/sidespin to make the kick effect, usually power does not associate well with this serve but with racquet head speed(brush effect: 7 to 1 o clock) with continental grip. Meaning of the power that doesn't associate well is that power will make the ball go out of the service box, but instead use alot of speed to make the "power" meaning, put a lot of spin on the ball, that what makes the ball bounce higher and more powerful. As for returns, stand near the base line instead of 3 ft away of the baseline, why? because kick serves bounce very high if u are not close enough to it, you have to attack when the ball is going up, usually a backhand slice or forehand slice is the ideal return, but if the ball is slow enough you might be able to hit a winner with normal forehand or backhand.
In tennis, you don't serve on just one side.
The first serve of each game will be from the deuce side (the right side if you are standing on the baseline) and the ball will be hit cross-court to the other player's deuce side.
The next serve will be from the ad side (the left if you are standing on the baseline) and go cross-court to the other player's ad side. This alternation will continue until the game is finished and a new one starts or the match is over.
From the right usually.
Badminton plays like this:
If you have 0, then you start from the right. If you score 3, you start from the left. I'm not sure if the scoring will be the same in Tennis also, as the sports are very similar.
Focus on your ball toss if you are having trouble with your serve. The way you toss the ball has a huge impact on where your ball is going to go. Is your toss out in front of you? Is your toss behind you? Also look at when you are catching the ball with your racquet. Do you catch it at its peak, meaning your full arm extension? Or do you hesitate and wait till the ball toss is closer to the ground? A serve that goes into the net can mean that your ball toss is out too far in front of you or you are catching your toss too low or both. A serve that goes into the net can also result from dropping your head too soon. Over exaggerate by keeping your head up until the ball has crossed the net. You be may be catching your toss behind you or too high or both if your serves are going long. Try shortening your toss and make sure that it does go behind your ball. Your toss should fly easily off your fingertips.
dont put your foot in front of the base line, toss the ball as high as you can put your racket, make a check mark with your elbow, angle your feet with the net post and serve closer to the serving dash thing
No, as long as your feet don't cross the baseline, your fine. *Note- do not catch the ball with your racket if you decide not to hit your toss. If it touches the racket, it counts as a serve.
A serve.
Sports where you serve a ball include tennis, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, and pickleball. In tennis, the serve starts each point, while in volleyball, the serve initiates play and is crucial for scoring. Badminton and table tennis also require a serve to start each rally, and in pickleball, the serve is used to begin each point as well.
You mean in tennis? A fast serve? oh. You must hit it when the ball reaches the highest part of the toss. You can never always get it right, but it'll work for a few times.
A toss i where the two players go and 'toss' a coin if they win then they will have a chocie of of which end they will start the game of of to serve first.
There is no "term" for the start of a tennis match. After the players' warm-up has completed, professional tennis matches officially begin when the chair umpire says, "play." Amateur and unofficiated matches usually begin by the server asking the receiver if he/she is "ready".
You can hit an underhand serve in tennis; however, the overhand serve is more effective because it is more powerful. That is why you don't see the underhand serve used much.
a serve
A tennis ball!