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Q: Are there any years when the Olympics should have been held but weren't?
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What years have sanya Richards been in the Olympics?

Sanya Richards Ross has been in the Olympics for FOUR YEARS.

How many years has gymastic been in the Olympics?

The gymnastics has been in the Olympics since 1896.

How many years has Shaun White competed in the Olympics?

Shaun White has been is the Olympics for 3 years.

How long was figure skating have been part of the Olympics?

Figure skating has been part of the olympic games since 1908, where it was first part of the summer Olympics. In 1924, it was first introduced to the winter Olympics. Your question does not specify which Olympics, but it was in the summer Olympics 102 years ago. It has been in the winter Olympics for 86 years, and been in all 21 winter Olympic games since then.

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Millions of years

How long has Olympics been going for?

100 years

Should your leotard fit loose or tight?

they should fit really tight, trust me i have been a gymnast for 13 years and almost got accepted into the olympics

Are there any years where the Olympics should have been held but weren't?

War is the main cause for Olympic games not being held at the time.

For how many years have the summer and winter Olympics been staggered?

16 years

How long did Michael Phelps train to get into the Olympics?

He's been swimming since he was three but he has been non stop training for the Olympics since 2000. That was four years before the Olympics in Athens. So technically Michael Phelps has been training eight straight years for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.

Why has the Olympics not been held 8 times?

It has been held for thousands of years.

How long has luge been in the Olympics?

luge has been in the olympic for 900,000,000 years.