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He's been swimming since he was three but he has been non stop training for the Olympics since 2000. That was four years before the Olympics in Athens. So technically Michael Phelps has been training eight straight years for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.

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Q: How long did Michael Phelps train to get into the Olympics?
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How long did Michael Phelps swim in the Olympics?

Since he was 15 years of age

In the Olympics who has won the most medals?

Even before the 2012 Olympics Michael Phelps with 14 had won the most. After the 2012 Olympics his total is 18 and 22 Medals total Raymond Ewry of the United States is credited with having won the most gold medals in the Olympics at 10. His events were the standing long jump, standing high jump, and standing triple jump at the Olympics in the early 1900s. Second most gold medals won is 9 and was done by swimmer Mark Spitz and track and field athlete Carl Lewis.

How long do you have to train for the Olympics?

They have to train 3 years because the Olympics are every 4 years.

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Started training when he was 10, started walking when he was 1.

What age did Michael Phelps start swimming?

Michael Phelps began swimming at age 7 at the North Baltimore Swimming Club.

How long are Michael Phelps's arms?

longer than his body-7 feet long.

How long is Michael Phelps?

If you mean how tall he is he is 6 ft 4"

How old do you have to be to train for the Olympics?

You can be any age you want as long as you train HARD.

How long did Mark Spitz hold his record?

36 years. His record for most gold medals won at a Summer Olympics (7) was set in 1972. It was broken by Michael Phelps, who won 8 gold medals, in 2008.

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at least 16 hours

Who is Michael Phelps?

Michael Phelps (born June 30, 1985) is a swimmer, a US Olympic athlete who won a record 8 gold medals at the Beijing Olympics in 2008. He has a total of 14 gold medals and holds 6 world records in swimming. In 2009, he was subject to extensive (and some feel undue) media coverage for a video showing him smoking marijuana. While preparing for competition, he is said to eat up to 12000 calories a day. An impressive total, but much of this is consumed by his long hours of swimming.

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it was his dad