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The penalty area is 18 yards deep and 44 yards wide.

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Q: How big is the soccer penalty box?
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Related questions

Where is the penalty dot soccer?

It is marked in the centre of the big box.

In soccer how long does a player have to sit in the penalty box?

There is no penalty box in outdoor soccer. I believe there is for indoor soccer.

What is a penalty box for soccer?

In indoor soccer, a player may be sent to a penalty box (like one used in ice hockey) for a yellow card offense. In indoor soccer, yellow cards are actually blue.

Soccer term that has x?

Penalty box.

Can a player score in the penalty box in soccer?


What is a strike in Soccer?

A penalty in football is given when there is a . handball in the box, a player is brought down in the box .

What is freekick box in soccer?

you have asked the wrong question it's called a penalty box there is no such thing as a freekick box

When do they play penalty shots in soccer?

It is given when a handball is made in the box, or dropping a player when he is in the box , from preventing him froms coring.

What is the spot in front of a soccer goal called?

You are probably referring to the penalty mark.

When can a goalie touch the soccer ball in a game of soccer?

As long as she's not past the second line she can grab it but if she passes the second line in front of her she has to kick it out their is a big box which is call the penalty area. The keeper can only pick the ball up in this area but not when their own team mates intentionally passes it to them

Does the soccer ball have to leave the goalie's box for the opponents to attack and score?

Yes. The only times other players aren't permitted in the penalty box are on the goalkeeper's goal kicks and on penalty kicks.

How many penailties are there in soccer?

there isn't an exact number because if some1 from the other team keeps on tackling u on ur penalty box and its a rough tackle then its a penalty and if its penalty shootouts they mite go for ages.