The penalty spot is 12 yards from the goal line.
Free Spot? Do you mean the goal crease?
because it is the hardest spot to defend
Twelve yards.
11 m
The penalty spot is typically 11 meters (12 yards) away from the goal line in soccer.
The referee blows his whistle and points back up the pitch to the halfway line. Indicating the match shall be restarted from the spot.
There will be a dark spot in front of the fishes anus (cloaca) in a pregnant (gravid) female livebearer. This spot is called the "Gravid Spot".
Goal, head, mark and punt are soccer terms. Goal means that the team scored. Heading the ball means to play it with the forehead. Mark means to guard the attacker in man-to-man coverage. Punt is a long kick by the goalkeeper. Post - refers to the goals posts Flag - refers to the Assistant referees hand held flag signal Ball - the games is played with Line - the ,makings of the pitch Card - sanction issued by the referee Back - a position played in defense of the goal Kick - what you do to the ball Trip - is foul play tripping another player up Boot - the footwear worn Stud - the metal/plastic grips for grass play under the boot Spot - short reference to the penalty spot in front of the goal
Any, but the most common is meters