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Yes. Its called a "Spitball". A spitball is when a pitcher either licks his fingers, spits on the ball, or uses any substance (i.e.: cooking oil, gel deoderant) that has a slickness to it. This causes the pitcher to give an extra break on a pitch. (i.e.: Instead of the normal 22 rotation spins on a curveball, ittl go 25-30 times for more of a break)

AnswerRule 8.02 of The Official Rules of Baseball:

" The pitcher shall not --

(a) (1) Bring his pitching hand in contact with his mouth or lips while in the 18 foot circle surrounding the pitching rubber. EXCEPTION: Provided it is agreed to by both managers, the umpire prior to the start of a game played in cold weather, may permit the pitcher to blow on his hand.

PENALTY: For violation of this part of this rule the umpires shall immediately call a ball. However, if the pitch is made and a batter reaches first base on a hit, an error, a hit batsman or otherwise, and no other runner is put out before advancing at least one base, the play shall proceed without reference to the violation. Repeated offenders shall be subject to a fine by the league president."

There is no reference to the umpire penalizing a pitcher for licking his fingers other than the umpire shall immediately call a ball. There is reference to repeat offenders being subject to a fine from the league president.

basicaly if ur going to lick ur fingers do it on in the dirt arount the rubber do it on the grass


Starting with the 2010 MLB season. MLB rules state that a pitcher my go to his mouth to lick his fingers on the mound as long as he is not on the rubber. The pitcher must whipe his hand againt the uniform before returning to the rubber. If this act is performed either on the rubber or he does not whipe his fingers this will be called a balk

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Q: Is it true that a pitcher can be penalized by the umpire for licking his fingers if he has been warned?
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Can a pitcher lick his fingers in little league?

the pitcher is allowed to lick his fingers only while off the entire pitching circle (all the dirt around the mound). if the pitcher is caught licking his fingers on the mound, it is considered a Balk and eith a ball is awarded to the batter (no men on base) or the runners on base are allowed to advance.AnswerRule 8.02 of The Official Rules of Baseball:" The pitcher shall not --(a) (1) Bring his pitching hand in contact with his mouth or lips while in the 18 foot circle surrounding the pitching rubber. EXCEPTION: Provided it is agreed to by both managers, the umpire prior to the start of a game played in cold weather, may permit the pitcher to blow on his hand.PENALTY: For violation of this part of this rule the umpires shall immediately call a ball. However, if the pitch is made and a batter reaches first base on a hit, an error, a hit batsman or otherwise, and no other runner is put out before advancing at least one base, the play shall proceed without reference to the violation. Repeated offenders shall be subject to a fine by the league president. "The penalty for a pitcher licking his fingers on the mound is a ball. If the batter has 3 balls on him this would be considered the fourth ball and the batter would be credited with a base on balls. There is no penalty for a pitcher licking his fingers while not on the pitching mound as long as he wipes his fingers off prior to stepping onto the pitching mound.update:starting with the 2010 season, a pitcher can go to his mouth while on the mound as long as he is not on the rubber, and he makes an obvious motion of whiping his hand on pants before returning to the mound. This was changed in order to speed up the game

Who catches the ball thrown by the pitcher in baseball?

The pitcher.

Can you make a sentence out of umpire?

the umpire's of the games are really honest..........................

Did the umpire stand behind the pitcher in professional baseball?


Can a player be ejected after the final out of the game?

Yes, in major baseball an umpire can eject a pitcher. Last year as an example, a Yankee pitcher was ejected because the home plate umpire checked to find pine tar on the pitchers belt. This is illegal for a pitcher to have any foreign substance on his body or uniform or cap. Another example is, the umpire's opinion, a pitcher has hit too many batters after being warned. That's an ejection as well. Additionally, any player or manage or a pitcher who argues balls and strikes called by the home plate umpire is an automatic ejection.

Does the play stop when a live ball is returned to the pitcher's glove regardless of whether the pitcher is on or off the mound in softball?

The Play is over when the umpire calls time. Does not matter where the ball is. the Umpire has to determine if the play if over.

Is it a trip to the mound when the manager goes to the plate umpire to remove his pitcher?


Can a batter be awarded first base if the umpire feels that the pitcher is intentionally throwing at him?


Can a baseball pitcher request the umpire to clean off home plate?

Sure. And he can request a new ball, too. But the umpire is not required to honor either request.

What is the word that the umpire calls when a pitcher throws a strike ball?

The Umpires get together and the Umpire can call interference on himself and the playing running or batting has to redo it

What is the rule for pitcher's gloves?

1.15 (a) The pitcher's glove may not, exclusive of piping, be white, gray, nor, in the judgment of an umpire, distracting in any manner. (b) No pitcher shall attach to his glove any foreign material of a color different from the glove. (c) The umpire-in-chief shall cause a glove that violates Rules 1.15(a) or 1.15(b) to be removed from the game, either on his own initiative, at the recommendation of another umpire or upon complaint of the opposing manager that the umpire-in-chief agrees has merit.

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windmill pitch, aim for the umpire's head and it's spelled pitcher.