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The pitcher.

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Q: Who catches the ball thrown by the pitcher in baseball?
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Related questions

Is a wild pitch an error?

No, a wild pitch is a wild pitch -- it is considered a mistake charged to the pitcher. An "error" in baseball is a fielding mistake. A pitcher can make an "error" but only on a batted or thrown ball.

In dodgeball if your opponent catches your thrown ball you are out true or false?

The answer is true. If you throw a ball and a player on the other team catches it, you are out. Tyler

Describe contact force and noncontact force that affect the motion of a baseball a pitcher has thrown the ball?

The contact force will keep the ball moving but as the ball goes farther the ball slows down that's were the non contact force comes in it makes the ball not in contact

Can a base runner be thrown out if a foul ball is hit?

Yes, the ball is still considered foul if the a player catches it. They can be thrown out when trying to tag after the fly ball is caught.

Who throws the ball in baseball?

usually the pitcher but evry body throwes the ball

Is footballing a word?

Yes, an interception occurs when a defensive player catches a ball thrown by the quarterback.

When can't you hit a fly ball?

Presumably a fly ball can't (and more correctly, shouldn't) be hit, as the batter is the only person allower to hit a baseball thrown from a pitcher.

What is the main difference between baseball and softball?

the thing about softball is that the ball thrown by the pitcher is different than baseball in baseball they trow it normal and in softball the pitcher trows it as a circular form, and baseball is played most by man and softball women.

MLB pitcher who has never thrown a no hitter?

A bunch. In fact, the vast majority of major league pitchers have never thrown a no-hitter in major league baseball. Many more have thrown no-hitters in high school or college ball.

Is intercept a football word?

Yes, an interception occurs when a defensive player catches a ball thrown by the quarterback.

How many bases do you receive if a fielder catches a ball in his cap?

If it is a batted ball, the batter and all runners are awarded 3 bases. If it is a thrown ball, the batter and all runners are awarded 2 bases from whatever base they had occupied when the ball was thrown.

What happens if a pitcher pitches the wrong type of baseball?

Then the home plate umpire made a silly mistake. He is the man who inspects each baseball before he allows them to be used. But, if, for some reason, the pitcher does sneak a different ball into the field, he will be thrown out of the game for cheating.