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Q: What is the depth of a pole vault plan box?
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Which olympic sport requires a planting box?

Pole Vaulting

When did pole vault become fiber glass?

After Bob Richards. He was the guy on the Wheaties box.

What do you do for the pole vault?

pole vault is a track amd feild sport in witch a vaulter runs down a runway with a fiberglass pole, puts the end into a small metal box, jumps and attempts to get over a bar set at a certan height

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What holds a pole up on a jump?

There is nothing that actually holds it in the ground. But there is a 'box' that the pole is planted into, this is like a hole where the pole slides into and stops. Box: A trapezoidal indentation in the ground with a metal or fiberglass covering at the end of the runway in which vaulters "plant" their pole. The back wall of the box is nearly vertical and is approximately 8 inches in depth. The bottom of the box gradually slopes upward approximately 3-feet until it is level with the runway. The covering in the box ensures the pole will slide to the back of the box without catching on anything. The covering's lip overlaps onto the runway and ensures a smooth transition from all-weather surface so a pole being planted does not catch on the box.

What was the name of the large box the coffin was placed in?

a vault

How much is a 2004 uncirculated buffalo nickel worth one vault box from Denver mint and one vault box from Philadelphia mint?

Five cents each or less

What are the basic rules of pole vault?

The vaulter may use a pole (under his/her wieght) to go over a cross bar. If the cross bar falls off before the vaulter is off the mat, it is counted as missed. A scratch is when a vaulter's pole hits the back of the box and the vaulter doesn't leave the ground. Besides that it's a unique event considering there are vaulter have many different techniques.

How do you use the pilates box and pole -- no instructions came with kit?

The box & pole are great for abdominal & arm exercises.

What equipment is needed for pole vault?

Pole vaulting can cost a lot or very little. You will need: a 2-3 poles(good for you weight),a mat(to land on), crossbar and standards, box to plant pole in, various other training equipment(optional)

What is the cement box that a casket gets lowered into?

A (sealed / air and watertight) burial vault or an (unsealed /non-protective) grave box.

How can I extend the depth of an electrical outlet box using an electrical outlet box extender?

To extend the depth of an electrical outlet box, you can use an electrical outlet box extender. This device attaches to the existing box, providing additional space for wires and connections. Simply install the extender over the outlet box to increase its depth and accommodate larger electrical components.