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Discus and hammer.

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Q: What track and field events need a safety net?
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Define the sport track and field?

Track and Field is a athletic sport where players need to be fast, exclusive and strong. These sports includes running, jumping and throwing events. Players need to perform well in their specified events and the person getting high score by calculating total of all events will be the winner.

Is track and field an outdoor sports?

Yes it is, when you see field in the statement you need a field.

What are facts about running?

Here are 10 things that you have to have for TRACK AND FIELD. 1. Running shoes ( of course for TRACK ) 2. Spikes pens ( for track ) 3. Water or Sports drink ( while running, or after ) 4. Sports bag ( for track clothes and other things ) 5. Workout clothes ( for workouts for track ) 6. Nutrition bar, ( if needed ) 7. Garbage bag ( if needed and, if raining ) thats what you would need it for, is for rain. 8. Digital watch ( for timing ) 9. Notebook and pencil or pen ( to write your time down ) 10. ODDS AND ENDS>>> ANYTHING ELSE THAT UOU MIGHT NEED>>>>.

How do you know if you need a relational structure'?

When you have repeated data and/or you need to track actions or events

How many different field events are in track?

There are many events in track and field the hardest field events are jumping such as triple because it is so hard to get the perfect form. I would know I do it. The hardest track events are 400, 3200 (2 mile) , 800, And the 400 hurdles because you need perfect form. There are so many track events i thought i would name the hardest.

What are the basic rules of track and field?

You can't go off the track when you're racing, you need your assigned uniform at meets, and you need to stay in your own lane in certain races. You should also have under armor. Track is really fun! And the rules aren't hard at all to follow.

What skills are needed for hurdles in track and field?

The beauty of track and field is that there is such a wide variety of events that anyone can find one to suit them. Throwers need strength, jumpers need spring, sprinters speed and distance runners, endurance. Keep an open mind, be willing to experiment with events, and be confident and you are sure to find your niche in this all- comers, wonderful sport.

What team am i on for field day?

You will need to ask your teacher or the staff member organizing the events.

Where is the closest car track?

Look up online or your local yellow pages to see where the closest race track, see if you can bring your vehicle to the track, and race. Or if you need to register to any upcoming events.

What are the basic skills needed in playing track and field?

Depends on the event, to be a runner, you just need to be willing to put some work in. Anyone can be fast if they work with a coach and try your hardest. Your coach can also tell you if you have any possible talent at any field events. Don't be afraid to try it.

Why does the school need to have a school paper?

Schools have school papers so children and teachers can keep track of upcoming events

How do you find High School Track schedule of events Regional Track Meet at Hays Kansas for today May182007 i would like the event schedule my daughters are running don't need the field events thanks?

I personally use to find almost any schedule for every sport in every school in my area. There is a great chance your daughters' schedule will be posted on there. Simply choose your state, then select your school and sport and you chould be all set.