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The beauty of Track and Field is that there is such a wide variety of events that anyone can find one to suit them. Throwers need strength, jumpers need spring, sprinters speed and distance runners, endurance. Keep an open mind, be willing to experiment with events, and be confident and you are sure to find your niche in this all- comers, wonderful sport.

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12y ago
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15y ago

Depending on the event, there are a few general skills that are necessary. You need to be able to take direction as well as give. There also needs to be a general amount of athleticism or a desire to improve.

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10y ago

There are a variety of skills used in track and field. Some of these include jumping, throwing, as well as being able to run quickly.

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15y ago

Depending on the events. You will either need fast twitch muscle control, or slow twitch. Though as stated before, it all depends on your event.

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13y ago

i would say is listening and follow directions. also concentration.

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Q: What skills are needed for hurdles in track and field?
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Is hurdles a track or field event?

hurdles are only used in hurdles - athletics. if that is what you are looking for...

What are field track in Athletics?

track: sprints, hurdles, walks, and long distance running field: throws and jumps.

Are there hurdles in the Olympic Games?

No, hurdles are a track event. The event takes place on the track. Field events are those that are competed in the 'field' located within the track. Field events are long jump, high jump, javelin, discus, hammer throw, shot put, pole vault, and triple jump.

What is the most popular event in Olympic Track and Field?

Hurdles -------------------- Men's 100m

What sport could you use for flexibility?

Track and field(hurdles) cheerleading,

What is field and trek?

Track and field is a sport usually in high school and college. It involves activities such as running track, jumping hurdles and throwing the shot put.

How old do you have to be to do the hurdles in Track and Field?

any age over nine really, but if your talking professional 15.

What are track and field events that use power?

The events that use power in track are:100m, 200m, 100 and 110m hurdles, In field shot, javelin, long jump, triple jump.

What are the skill needed in playing track and field?

what are the skill neended in playing track and field

How high is a 300 meter hurdle?

The 300m hurdles race is run in high school track and field (once in college the race is 400m hurdles). For the girls' race, the hurdles are 30 inches high - for the boys' race, the hurdles are 36 inches.

What are the different event in track and field?

Track and field has many different events. Here's a list. 1.the long jump 2.high jump 3.javeline 4.shot put 5.pole vault These are a few that I know of but I assure you there are more. Enjoy :)(:

What are some basic skills for track and field?
