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a Slazenger 1

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he played a slazenger

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Q: What kind of golf ball did goldfinger play with?
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In golf can an out of bounds post be moved to play your ball that is not out of bounds?

No, not in golf

Is golf ball fitting important for your playing ability?

Golf ball fitting definitely influences your ability and potential to play golf. Therefore, it would be very important for you to have the golf ball fitting done properly so that you can play gold at your best.

Is it better to freeze your golf balls before you play?

No, that will make the golf ball slippery and hard to play with.

If you hit your golf ball in the woods and can't play it what do you do?

quit playing golf.

Which sport has this rule Play the ball as it lies?


Can you play golf in gta san Andreas?

yes with golf stick & ball..

Is golf ball fitting necessary if Im just starting to learn to play golf?

Golf ball fitting refers to figuring out which type of golf ball will help you optimize your game. It's based on how you swing, what kind of clubs you use and so on. If you're just starting out, it's not important, but if you want to step your game up later you may wish to do this.

Where can you get a golf ball fitting?

You can get your golf ball fitted basically anywhere that has to do with sports or golf. Or another option could be the club you play at. Although some people would say that golf ball fitting is an unnecessary thing to do.

Can you play a different kind of golf balls on different holes in the same round?

Yes, in amateur golf there is nothing stopping you. The only thing you cannot do is change ball midway through a hole. On the professional tours there is a one ball rule.

How do you play golf putt on tamagotchi v5?

Get the black ball under the clear ball

Can a Tumbleweed knock golf ball in hole?

Where do you play golf? The wild west. If a ball at rest is moved by the tumble weed, there is no penalty and the ball must be replaced. If the ball is moving and the tumble weed hits it, there is again no penalty but you must play the ball as it lies.

What is a lie in golf?

A lie is the way a ball in play is resting.