Golf ball fitting definitely influences your ability and potential to play golf. Therefore, it would be very important for you to have the golf ball fitting done properly so that you can play gold at your best.
Tour players report that golf ball fitting can improve their game. Most concentrate on the shots to the green, as this will provide the best chance of improving score.
Golf ball fitting refers to figuring out which type of golf ball will help you optimize your game. It's based on how you swing, what kind of clubs you use and so on. If you're just starting out, it's not important, but if you want to step your game up later you may wish to do this.
First use one of several online survey based tools offered by the major golf ball companies to get their recommendations. Then you'll have to play with the suggested balls to prove that these recommendations are right for you and your game.
A Golf Ball
Golf Ball
It is a golf ball that has the logo of a resort/golf course printed on the ball.
You can hit a golf ball with a golf club.
A golf ball.
That would be a golf ball.
A golf ball weighs more.
There are 366 dips in a golf ball