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gettin the shot put as far as u can

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Q: What is the ball used for shotput called?
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What is that sport heavy ball that you news to throw?


What sport played with 16 pound ball?


What is ptothsu unscrambled?

The anagram is shotput (shot-put, tossing a heavy ball).

What shape is a shotput?

shotput obviously

What equipment do you use while playing shotput?

The thrower simply uses a shotput (a big metal ball that weighs different amounts depending on the age group) Then, someone has to mesure how far you threw it, so you need a tape measurer.

What sports do you need a ball to play?

soccer, baseball, football. volleyball, softball, tennis, shotput, and golf and alot of other sports

What are any two object used in sport which may be considered as projectile?

Any ball, frisbee, shotput, javelin etc.Projectile just means that an object isairborne with no outside force acting on itexceptthe force of gravity.

Why the ball is used in netball?

If there was no ball it would not be called netball it would be called net

What is the heaviest ball in sports?

The regulation sport that uses the largest ball is basketball.

Why is a medicine ball called a medicine ball?

A medicine ball is called a medicine ball because it was originally used for medical purposes in ancient Greece. The ball was used in physical therapy and rehabilitation exercises, hence the name "medicine" ball.

What is a shotput?


Which ball was used in Football World Cup 2010?

In the 2010 world cup a Adidas ball called the Jabulani ball was used.