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The regulation sport that uses the largest ball is Basketball.

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13y ago
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12y ago

16 pounds is the heaviest regulation Bowling ball.

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13y ago

Mikasa FT-5 Goalmaster

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14y ago

Bowling is played with the heaviest ball.

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16y ago

shotput i think

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15y ago

the cricket bal......

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15y ago

it's a basket ball. am i right

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Q: What is the heaviest ball in sports?
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What is the second heaviest ball in sports after the bowling ball?

A Rugby Ball.

What was the most heaviest thing to be juggled?

a bowling ball

How big is the biggest ball?

The heaviest legal bowling ball weighs 16 pounds.

If you have eight balls all of the same of them weigh the sameand one of them weighs slightly more.How can you find the ball that is heaviest in least amount of attempts?

One way to find the heaviest ball in two attempts is to split the balls into two groups of 4 each and weigh them against each other. Whichever group is heavier will contain the heavier ball. Then, take the heavier group of 4 balls and weigh two of the balls against each other. If one ball is heavier, it will be the heaviest ball. If they weigh the same, the third ball left out is the heaviest.

How much does the heaviest bowling ball weight?

The heaviest ball you can throw is 16 pounds its illegal to throw anything over that.

How many scale measurements does it take to know which of eight balls weighs the most?

It takes two measurements to determine the heaviest ball. Start by weighing three balls against three others. If the scales balance, the heaviest ball is among the two remaining. Weigh these last two balls to determine the heaviest.

How much does the world's heaviest bowling ball weigh?

um idon't know a lot

What sports are there in US?

base ball , basket ball, football, tennis,

What polish sports are there?

tetther ball

What sport has the heaviest ball?

The most common answer people will give you is that it is a 10 pin bowling ball but at a maximum of only 20lbs that is very small in comparison with the strong man event of the Atlas Stones that has a stone ball weighing in at 352lbs. It won't roll but it is still a ball and it is heavy!

Does a bowling ball weigh about 11grams or 11kilograms?

It weighs about 7 kilograms. The heaviest legal bowling ball weighs 16 lbs; an 11 kg ball would weigh 24.2 lbs.

Which sports ball had the most potential energy?

If you were talking about gravitational potential energy, assuming each ball was at the same height, the one with the most potential energy would be whichever is heaviest. If each ball weighs the same, whichever one is highest up has more potential energy.