On average I would say that a 13 year old guy should be jumping between 8.5 metres and 9 metres. If you are jumping any less than you need to start training, any more and you have natural talent.no,, a 13 year old should be jumping 29 feet at the least and 32 or 33 feet,,any more and you will probably get the record,,i jump 30,,31,,the best at my school is 33.3..
i don't do he whole American measurements but i think the average is about 8m. if u do less than that u can still be talented for ur league. ;) if u do over, awesome, if u don't, awesome
The current male and female world record holders are Jonathan Edwards of Great Britain, with a jump of 18.29 metres (60.0 ft), and Inessa Kravets of Ukraine, with a jump of 15.50 m (50 ft. 10.25 in.).
Hope this helps! :)
Christian Taylor
mainly cardiovascular endurance, then depending on the distance, muscular endurance
That is the nickname for the triple jump.
They are one of the best at the triple jump
Yes they can, but not particularly far or high. But on average, they should be able to jump a short distance.
He did a triple jump kick flip!
Yes but not in the standing triple jump.
Al Joyner of the United States with a jump of 17.26 meters (56 feet, 7 1/2 inches).
The triple jump was in the first modern Olympics in 1896.
the girls pole vaulting record is 5.05m by Yelena Isinbayeva from Russia in 2008 at the Beijing Olympics
Jump three times
I do long jump, triple jump, and 100m and they work great. But it depends what you consider short distance. work for everything 400m and under. it has no padding on the heel so jumping with sprinting spikes can cause injury.