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I do long jump, triple jump, and 100m and they work great. But it depends what you consider short distance. work for everything 400m and under. it has no padding on the heel so jumping with sprinting spikes can cause injury.

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Q: Can sprinting spikes be used for long jump and short distance running?
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what cover a long distance a sprint or a marathon?

A sprint is a short running race at speed. A marathon is a long distance running race, when stamina is more important that sprinting. Whichever race a competitor takes part in, the goal is to win. Therefore, the answer is the marathon.

What would cover a long distance sprint or marathon?

A sprint is a short running race at speed. A marathon is a long distance running race, when stamina is more important that sprinting. Whichever race a competitor takes part in, the goal is to win. Therefore, the answer is the marathon.

What is a sprint?

To run very rapidly; to run at full speed., The act of sprinting; a run of a short distance at full speed.

Do you like running and can you run as fast as me?

Over short distances the average person can run 100m in fifteen to twenty seconds. professional sprinters can take it down to nine seconds, or less. However, marathon running is a almost completely different from sprinting. How fast you are over a short distance may not be applicable to a longer distance.

Middle distance running?

middle distance running is not running which is very far and it is not running that is very short that is why it is called middle distance

What are the ten sports held in the Olympics?

hockey swimming short-putt sprinting running gymnastics hurdles marathon tennis badminton

How fast is a lion?

Lions can reach speeds of up to 50 miles per hour in short bursts when sprinting to catch prey. They are capable of running at these high speeds for only a short distance due to their muscular build and stamina.

How do you prep for cross country?

If you are going to do this for a competition, than a mix of short distance timed running and long distance running. You should keep a mix of fast short exercises and longer distance ones.

Until where is short distance in running?

If you are talking track running and you mean sprint distance, anything up to 400 meters.

Do you need to use a starting block for the mile event?

No. You don't want a starting block. Starting blocks are for the use of short (running/sprinting) events such as the 70m and 100m. The reason why we use starting blocks is to push off of something to get a fast start. Thus, you don't need/want one for the mile event as you should not be running as fast as you can all the way.