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I’m 15 years old right now. It’s XC season now so I haven’t ran a mile race since like May. I ran a 4:55 in my freshman year. Going into my sophomore year, my goal is around a 4:40-4:45 mile. For the better kids such as myself where i’m from (NY), are looking to run close to 4:40. Other good kids still are running around 5:10-5:20.

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13y ago


Well, I am 12 year old girl and I run about a 7:30 mile.

It seems to me that a 15 year old male should be running about a 5:30 to 6:00 mile.

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I think guys should run it in about 7:00 - 9:00 minutes.


Well I'm 15 and my fastest mile so far is 4:30

It really depends on what your goal is. I ran a 4:27 mile as a senior which was good enough to get me into district finals. I'd say if you can crack 5:00 you can think about scoring points and contributing to your team as a Junior/Senior. I only broke 5:00 as a Junior (although I focused mainly on the 400 and 800).

The fact is that if you are maximizing your potential, then whatever you are running is a ?"good time".

Well I am a 12 year old girl too. My lowest time was 5.49 minutes. I average around 6 minutes though. I run faster than most because I do XC, but the average time for a 12 yr old is about 8-12 minutes I think. A 15 year old guy should be able to run it in 7 minutes.

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15y ago

IMO a 15 yr old in good health should have little trouble in accomplishing this in under 10 mins. However, teenagers are less and less healthy on an average each year due to over eating, and the increased consumption of unhealthy foods. So as for an average, I do not know. At my school, anything over 15minutes was a failure.

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12y ago

This depends on whether you are referring a good time for an average 15 year old boy or a competitive time for a boy who runs the mile in Track and Field.

First, any 15 year old boy who can run the mile in under 6 minutes can be considered to have exceptional stamina, athleticism and a well above average level of physical fitness.

Now, as to those 15 year olds who run the mile as a competitive event in track and field we need to consider an impotant factor: most 15 year old boys can shave up to 25 seconds off of there times from the beginning of track season to the end. So, running a 5:18 mile in the first meet of the season can get you a win - even in a tri-meet. However, that same runner would and should have his time down to 4:55 in order to continue to achieve first place results in most meets. A truly exceptional time for a 15 year old boy would be in the 4:40 - 4:45 range. This would be more than competive to be a city or county champion for your age group (junior high).

I hope this helps.

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12y ago

Well if you ask me what ever you can do as long as you do t stop running! For me when I was fifth teen it was 6 minutes my sister who is 13 can run it in 5.45 mins

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15y ago

8 or 9 minutes is not really average. For a person who is in somewhat of good shape, it should really be somewhere between 5:40 and 7 minutes

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14y ago

5-8 minutes.

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