

What is the average mile time for a thirteen year old?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: What is the average mile time for a thirteen year old?
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1,000..... i don't have a clue why don't you type yourself saying your a computer and all

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What is the average mile time for a thirteen year old girl?

Since the presidential is about 8:23, I probably guess that is the average mile time for a thirteen year old girl. But then again, that may vary. I just ran my mile and I am 13 years old, i got a 7:22. Girls tend to do better on the fitness testings and therefore get at least 30 seconds to 1 minute or faster. But others are very different. One may get 10 minutes and stay for 10 minutes. Hopefully, I've answered this question.

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Around 10 minutes

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12 min

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8 minutes

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6 min.