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The scoring is 0, 15, 30, 40. If each player has a score of 40-40 in a game, that is called deuce. The person to get the next point then has an "advantage." If the person is the server, then it is "ad-in". If they are not, it is "ad-out." That person must then win the next point in order to win the game. If they miss the next point and their opponent wins it, then the person with the advantage loses it and the score goes back to deuce. The first player to win two points in a row when at deuce, wins.

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Q: What is advantage and deuce in tennis?
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What is the first point after deuce called in tennis?

No. If the server wins the point at deuce, it is advantage-in for the server. If the server loses the point after deuce it is advantage-out.

What does it mean when the score is advantage in in tennis?

the server has the advantage to win the game after deuce

What is 40-40 in tennis called?

In tennis, when both opponents are tied at 40-40, the score is called deuce. Deuce changes to advantage when one opponent scores after achieving deuce.

When does advantage server occur in tennis?

after you get deuce and the server wins the point. You call it 'ad in'

What is ad in and ad out?

advantage in favor of the server in tennis; advantage in favor of the receiver. Terms used after a deuce, i.e., 30-all.

What is the point after duece in tennis?

Deuce in tennis is when both the opponents, doubles, or singles, have "40" points in which is called deuce. After the deuce point, the match is either over, or you go into "add" scoring.

In what sport do you hear the terms love deuce?

The typical sport that uses the term, "deuce", is Tennis or Table Tennis.

In tennis what is a deuse?

Deuce is basically a way to win by two points in a match such as tennis or table tennis. You get an 'advantage' when you win your first point, and have to win the second point in order to win the game. If you lose your second point, it'll go back to deuce until somebody wins by two points.

What score is a deuce?

Deuce is where both players are on 40 in a match of tennis

Which sport do they say forty love?

You would hear those words in tennis. They are for keeping score in a game. The game points go from love (0) to 15, 30, 40 and then game. If it is 40 all, it is deuce. To win a deuce, you must win by 2 points. It goes from deuce to the advantage of the player who won that point, and then game.

What sport uses a deuce?
