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the server has the advantage to win the game after deuce

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Q: What does it mean when the score is advantage in in tennis?
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What does ADV mean in tennis?

ADV stands for 'advantage'. ADV is used when a player scores a point when the score is at duece. The player has the 'advantage' because if they win the next point, they win the game. If the player who has the advantage loses the next point, the score goes back to duece.

In what game is a score also known as Love?

You mean tennis?

What does donut mean in tennis?

donut in tennis means u have a score of 0 in a set this is reffered to as a donut

What is the advantage out in tennis?

An advantage out (or ad. out, when you call the score) is when youe oppenent has won the first point of duece (40-40.) Ad. in, is when you win the first point of duece.

What is 40-40 in tennis called?

In tennis, when both opponents are tied at 40-40, the score is called deuce. Deuce changes to advantage when one opponent scores after achieving deuce.

What does Fitfteen mean in tennis?

It's how the score is said. 1 point is said is 15

What does the word love in tennis mean?

It means that there is no score so saying 15-love you would be saying the score is 15 to nothing

What does dueces mean?

it means like peace/bye

If the score is love 15 what sport is being played?

It is a tennis score, meaning that the server has no points

Can the receiver score in tennis?

Yes the receiver can score

What is an ad in tennis?

Okay, so lets say it was deuce. Then I was the server, and I won the point you call it ad-in meaning its MY advantage.. But if you win the point, it's called ad-out- that means its YOUR advantage.

How do you keep score in tennis?

Tennis consists of the best of two out of three