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Well, I'm 12, and a girl, and I have started running recently with my older brother. (He used to run track.) I'm working at a 7:20-7:40 pace, working for 7:10 or even 7 minutes ;) I've only gotten up to 1.5 miles once but he tells me that as long as I run under 12 minutes I should be fine. It all depends on what type of runner you are. I guess 10 to 12 minutes is a good boundary. Hope this helps! :)

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Most juniors in highschool track are running about at least a 5 minute mile but an average of all high school runners would probably be around 7:30

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Depending on your age anywhere from 7 to 8 minutes.

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4 or 5 minutes

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Q: What is a good time for a girl to run 1 mile in track?
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What is a good time to run a mile for a fourteen year old girl?

as a frosh soph mile, track runner, my best time was 6:05.

Female mile time?

In Illinois what is the fastest mile a Jr. High girl has ran in track?

How do you improve your mile time you currently run a 615-640 mile depending on the track your goal is 600?

Improving your mile time takes lots of practice and perseverance. A 6:15 to 6:40 mile time is a good starting point, continue to practice on various tracks and you will surely improve.

Is it good for a 12 year old boy to get 643 on his mile time?

yeah it is....i got a 6:32 for the President's Physical Fitness Test this spring and I'm twelve too....just keep running and you'll improve your time. you sholud try cross country and/or track to keep in shape and maintain a good mile time. Hope this helps! that's a good time. when i was 12 i had a 5:01 mile. Of course this was after a seson of modified XC and track. IF anyone had a better time when they were 12 id like to know. :D

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Is a 7 minute 19 second mile good time for a thirteen year old girl?


Is a 6 minute mile fast for a junior high girl?

That is a good mile time for a jh girl. My mile time is 5.58 and I'm going for 5.30 by the end of the summer! I've practiced for a month and I'll get better. I beat everyone by at least 15 seconds so...yes 6 minutes is good...keep running!

One time around the track is how much of a mile?

Typically most running tracks would be 1/4 of a mile, 4 laps being mile.

What is a good mile time for women's cross country?

I would say a good time for a woman to run just a mile cross country would be around 6 minutes. A good split for a three mile would be 7 minutes.-------------------------------------------- It depends what shape you are in. I am a teenager and it literally takes me only 4-6 minutes to run 1 whole mile. But I am in REALLY good shape for I have ran cross-country and track for 2 years.

Is a time of 550 in the mile good for a seventh grade girl?

eh, so-so. normally gym teachers say the average for a 7th grade girl. usually you try to aim for about 3 minutes or around theree. if you run a mile everyday, or even once a week, your time will improve because you will be in better shape.I'm not sure what the reference to 3 minutes is all fastest 7th grade girl time is 5:30. Going under 6 is a BIG deal for our track girls. In PE going under 7:30 is bonus points!

What is the average time to run a mile for a 13 year old that's on the track team?

I dont know about the actual "average". However a good time would be 5:20 or faster. If you are breaking 5 then you are really good. A 5:40 or under is still good.

My mile time is 5 minutes and 10 seconds on asphalt ---- it's hard and uncomfortable to run on it ---on track I would get under 5 minutes----- is it a GOOD time or a BAD time--- I'm a 14 year old boy?

Very good. The top 15 year old men in the U.S. can run a mile in about 4 minutes and 30 seconds. This time is achieved after months of training.