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In Illinois what is the fastest mile a Jr. High girl has ran in track?

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Q: Female mile time
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What is a good time for a 31 yr old female to run the mile?

7 minutes is around a good time.

What is a decent time for an out of shape 38 yr old female to run a mile?

10 to 12 minutes

What is the fastest mile time for a female track and field athlete?

4:35 in 1998 by kylie Rain

What is the average time for a 3 mile run for a 28 year old woman?

A 28 year old female should be able to run a mile in about 7 minutes. Therefore, a three mile run should take about 21 minutes.

What is a good 2 mile run time for a twenty-four yr old female?

The average is 10 minutes a mile for runners. Though if sports are involved a fast run time maybe required.

What is a normal 2 mile time?

This really depends on the type of person your talking about. If you are an average american, a normal time for a man would be around 18 muinites(9:00/mile), and for a women would be around 22:00(11:00/mile). If you are a high school track athlete, a respectable time for a male is around 11 muinites(5:30/mile), and a female would be around 13:00(6:30/mile).

250 mile equal how much time?

250 mile equal how much time?

What is the average time a 50-year-old female can run a quarter of a mile?

For a 50-year-old female runner, probably about 1.5 to 2.5 minutes. For an average person off the street, maybe 2 to 3 minutes.

Is a 5 48 an average mile time?

5:48 is definitely above average for a mile time. An average mile time would be anywhere from 7-8 minutes.

How long should you run a mile in for 138 pounds and 34 years old female?

I'm 15, and 145 pounds. My most recent time was 7 minutes flat. So somewhere around that time

What is the average time it takes a woman to run a mile?

It depends on the female if she is athletic and very physical active then it is between 5.10-7.00 and if she is not athletic and not physical active then 8.00-10.00

What is an average time for a mile in middle school?

the average time to run the mile in middle school is 9.58