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What is the design of a Golf ball?

Smaller than cricket ball and in circular shape.

What is smaller than a softball?

Ping Pong Ball / Table Tennis Golf Ball Cricket Field Hockey Lacrosse Billiards / Pool Squash Are all smaller in diameter than a baseball

Does an English golf ball spin faster than an American golf ball?

No, they are the same ball.

How small are the eggs?

The egg of a chicken can vary. Bantams lay very small eggs - a bit smaller than a golf ball. The standard size egg tends to be a bit bigger than a golf ball, or sometimes the size of two golf balls. Different breeds lay different sizes. Think of a golf ball when thinking of the size of an egg. Their size ranges around there.

Would a frozen golf ball bounce higher than a hot golf ball?

No, the warmer golf ball would bounce higher.

Which ball bounces the highest out of a golf ball and basketball?

A golf ball would bounce higher than a basket ball.

Which is larger golf ball or ping pong ball?

There isn't a huge difference, but a Golf ball would be marginally bigger. Golf ball sized and ping pong size are mostly used to measure hail sizes. A golf ball is bigger but not by much. Inches. 1 1/2 Ping Pong Ball Size 1 3/4 Golf Ball Size

How much more matter is in a golf ball than in a table tennis ball?

While a bowling ball is completely filled on the inside save the finger holes, a tennis ball's interior is completely hollow, and is also much smaller than a bowling ball. A bowling ball has more matter.

What is the dianeter of a golf ball?

The Golf Ball has a diameter not less than 1.680 in (42.67 mm).

Does a frozen golf ball thawed out go farther than a non frozen golf ball?


Why does a golf ball feel heavier than table tennis ball?

A Golf ball feels heavier than a Table Tennis ball, because the golf ball contains more matter in a similar volume.Because i said so and shalamar did

Why does golf drives travel much father than major league home runs?

A golf ball is smaller and has "dimples" that provide more aerodymics to its surface that allows it to have less air resistance than a baseball.