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While a Bowling ball is completely filled on the inside save the finger holes, a tennis ball's interior is completely hollow, and is also much smaller than a bowling ball. A bowling ball has more matter.

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11y ago

That really depends but you can get a basic idea by:

1. Stab something through a ping pong ball

2. Attempt to stab something through Golf ball

Tell me which has more matter? A ping ball is basically a shell on the outside of golf

ball; it has no inside, and golf ball is filled inner material.

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Q: How much more matter is in a golf ball than in a table tennis ball?
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Why does a golf feel heavier than a tennis table ball?

A Golf ball feels heavier than a Table Tennis ball, because the Golf ball contains more matter in a similar volume.Because i said so and shalamar did

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It depends what you mean by a big balloon, otherwise I would definitely go for a golf ball.

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Why is a golf ball heavier than a table tennis ball even though the balls are the same size?

Because its density.

Why a golf ball is heavier than a table tennis ball even though the balls are the same size?

Because its density.