That really depends but you can get a basic idea by: 1. Stab something through a ping pong ball 2. Attempt to stab something through Golf ball Tell me which has more matter? A ping ball is basically a shell on the outside of golf ball; it has no inside, and golf ball is filled inner material.
A golf ball will generally go farther than a ping pong ball when hit with the same force because of its heavier weight and streamlined design. The golf ball's dimpled surface also helps reduce drag, allowing it to travel a greater distance compared to a ping pong ball.
Air resistance.
Because a golf ball is denser. When you cut a golf ball and a table tennis ball in half, the golf ball is solid all the way through. The table tennis ball has a cavity filled with mostly air inside.
Ping Pong Ball / Table Tennis Golf Ball Cricket Field Hockey Lacrosse Billiards / Pool Squash Are all smaller in diameter than a baseball
a ping-pong ball,a golf ball,a paperclip and much more!
The interior of a ping-pong ball is filled with air, while the interior of a golf ball is made of solid material (rubbers) that are heavier (denser) than air. Thus wile about the same size a golf ball is much heavier than a ping-pong ball.
a golf ball is heavier
Golf and ping pong
The golf ball.
It depends what you mean by a big balloon, otherwise I would definitely go for a golf ball.
ping pong!