You cannot buy a smooth golf ball, it would not have a consistent flight. If you have plenty of time on your hands you could sand the dimples off a golf ball and see how unpredictable it is. Answer: That was the original golf ball, I don't think if it's still existing. Golf balls have dimples because it has a purpose and not jus a design. If you would know why, then I bet you will like the new one.
A golf that is non-circular sickle-shaped dimples looks like a moon but this golf ball is design for better performance.
A Golf Ball
A golf ball will generally go farther than a ping pong ball when hit with the same force because of its heavier weight and streamlined design. The golf ball's dimpled surface also helps reduce drag, allowing it to travel a greater distance compared to a ping pong ball.
Golf Ball
It is a golf ball that has the logo of a resort/golf course printed on the ball.
You can hit a golf ball with a golf club.
A golf ball.
That would be a golf ball.
A golf ball is heavier and has better aerodynamic qualities, therefore it could be thrown further than a tennis ball, which is too light.
A golf ball weighs more.
There are 366 dips in a golf ball