the last cyclist used to receive 'la cuillère de bois' (a wooden spoon), which was a valueless trophy but used to bring some fame to the cyclist. It is out of fashion nowadays.There is no official prize or monetary reward. The last-place rider simply gets the prestige of being known as the "lanterne rouge" or "red lantern," signifying the red lights at the tail or caboose of a train.The last rider in the Tour de France is historically referred to as the "Lanterne Rouge" (meaning: Red Lantern). This is a reference to the older trains which hung a red lantern off the last car to signify the end of the train.
As of the 2008 Tour de France, no British cyclist has ever won the Tour. One British cyclist, Robert Millar, was King of the Mountains in 1984.
One cyclist wins the Tour de France every year.
The Tour de France has been won 36 times by cyclist from France.
Floyd landis
Bernard Hinault was the last French cyclist to win the Tour de France. He won a total of 5 Tour de Frances, the last one being in 1985.
Chris Boardman
The race was won by Italian cyclist Gino Bartali.
He is a retired American cyclist. He was also the first American to win the Tour De France.
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It indicates that you not only have excellent stamina, but are basically, the greatest cyclist in the world.