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25-30, I'm a freshman and I'm around 30 every throw, and I bench 205

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Q: How far should a freshmen throw shotput?
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What is the ball used for shotput called?

gettin the shot put as far as u can

How far should a woman's out fielder throw a softball?

A good female outfielder maybe able to throw from outfield to home plate. A good outfielder can throw one hoppers with accuracy.

What equipment do you use while playing shotput?

The thrower simply uses a shotput (a big metal ball that weighs different amounts depending on the age group) Then, someone has to mesure how far you threw it, so you need a tape measurer.

How far can monkeys throw their poop?

really far they can throw as far 200 metres

What is the record for shotput in middle school?

Idk if this is real... But I just saw on that a girl names Madison bump just threw 75 ft... Typo I'm sure but it's a pretty official website...she's from Wisconsin so maybe the secret to a far throw is cheese?

Can you explain the shot put skills?

There are two correct technique for shot put. Don't be fooled by the big strong people who scream. They are either using the Glide or the spin technique. There are many pages online about how to do them. Personally, I use the power position. I have made over 40' easy with that. And note, I can only bench like 110lbs and my arms are weak. But i have been doing track for 5 years. But to answer your question, any technique that is comfortable for you is the correct technique. hopes this helps, fellow athlete

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How far does Matt hasselbeck throw?

Not as far as me.

How far should a 12 year old be able to throw a 6LLB shot put?

when i was 12 i threw 15.8

What is a donkey throw?

It's when you try to throw a donkey as far as you can.

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Porcupines do not throw their quills.

How far do bananas go?

however far you throw it