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This was one of the hardest transitions for me when I was a new level six, so don't be discouraged if you don't get it right off the bat. Some Pointers:

1-Don't be afraid to get a spot!! This will help you not only feel the proper technique, timing, and motion, but doing it, even with a spot, will help develop the necessary muscles.

2-Back extension rolls use essentially the same muscles and motions as a clear-hip to handstand, so practicing those may help you. 3- A good drill that my coach always used to set up for us was free-hip from a block, back to a the block. Get a block that puts your hips up above whatever bar you're using while standing on it. Grab the bar, put your feet up on the block, jump off, BE AGGRESSIVE, clear hip, and make sure you push hard enough to land back on the block. we used to stack mats up to see how high we could get, and it made a rather non-fun skill into a fun-ish game. Hopefully that makes some sense. 4-And, this is a bit cliche, but, really, don't be scared, and BE AGGRESSIVE, BE AGGRESSIVE, BE AGGRESSIVE. Unless you do something REALLYYY crazy, you won't hurt yourself. And I doubt you're gonna get up there and do something really crazy. Another View:

In the Level 6 Bar Routine the clearhip and cast to a "pull-over" were placed in the routine because of their importance as progressions for clearhip to handstand and the back giant.

Of the two, the cleahip is the easiest and requires less time to perfect than a giant swing to pullover, however both of these skill finish in a "high support" position. This position is achieved by the gymnast pushing down on the bar so that it comes to rest above the knees.

It is vital that for clearhip to finish above horizontal, the hips remain tight and straight - no pike - throughout the entire clearhip while the gymnast focuses on maintaining the high support shape (pushing down on the bar from the end of the cast to the finish in a "clear" support.

Once a gymnast shows she is capable of holding the high support position each and every time she can then begin to focus on dropping the shoulders back away from the bar at the same time the legs begin to drop towards the bar. This ensure that the shoulders finish a complete circling movement around the bar at or near the same time the hips finish the circle around the bar.

If you have a chance to watch a more advanced gymnast perform a correct clearhip in slow motion you will notice that the shoulders drop early and very aggressively. This, along with a tight body (in high support) is enough to get a beginner to finish in a clear support. How aggressively the gymnast is in dropping the shoulders early and how tight she remains in this position is the most critical aspect of correctly performing a clearhip at Level 6.

The only thing left to be concerned with is to keep the arms straight at the end of the clearhip when the gymnast flips their wrists to be able to support their body weight correctly and maintain the body shape. By pulling the bar away from the body with straight arms, the gymnast will find that at the end of the hip circle they are weightless for a second and able to flip their wrists on top of the bar without losing their body position or having to bend the elbows.

The best way to approach practice on the uneven bars is to make every turn count by imagining yourself being judged and scored for every turn you take. If you can keep that state of mind you will find that you will make much faster progress during practice and receive higher scores in competition. After all you have to practice keeping a competitive state of mind as much as you do keeping your skills at a competitive level.

Also, keep in mind that every gymnast makes plenty of mistakes when they are learning. This is not only quite normal, it is necessary. Every mistake you make is an opportunity to learn more about how to perform a skill even better. Don't focus on the fact that you make mistakes, instead focus on whatever you need to do in order to reduce that mistake more and more during every attempt you make. This way you won't be frustrated as much and will spend much less time distracted from what you need to do most - improve how you perform each and every skills.

One final thought - and this concept applies to every event. Keep in mind that when ever two ore more skills are combined, the first skill in the combination must finish in the exact start position of the next skill. This is true for an entire routine. Keep this in mind every time you attempt a routine or combination. It really makes a very big difference, and many coaches unintentionally neglect this important aspect of training.

If you try to put these ideas into practice during each workout you should experience a lot of progress in much less time than usual.

Work hard and give your best effort on every turn you take. That is the mark of a champion. Good luck. * when i was a level 6 they were hard for me to learn but now that i realize it, just drop the bar to you knees and then throw your arms in the air, ripping off your shoulders.

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Q: How do you do a clear-hip to handstand on the bars if you just started level six?
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