There is not much evidence that it would. These are two different sports, one played indoors (Squash) and one played outdoors (tennis), with different rules and different skills. Many athletes today are versatile and can excel in several different sports, so being good at squash would not necessarily mean you would not have a good tennis swing-- it really depends on how much you practice.
Squash is a similar game to tennis.
The way to swing a racket in tennis is called a forehand.
Squash the plant originated in the Americas. Squash the game originated from the game of tennis in Great Britain.
Squash the plant originated in the Americas. Squash the game originated from the game of tennis in Great Britain.
A tennis swing on the strong side of the body is called a forehand.
Tennis, Squash or racquet ball.
a backhand
The diameter of a tennis ball is 2.63 inches, or 6.7 centimers. A squash ball's diameter is between 39.5 and 40.5 millimeters.
Tennis, Badminton, Squash
Tennis, Badmington, Squash etc
No, you can't. If you did, you would slip.