They Can Serve behind the baseline BEHIND and in line with the alley if that's what you mean.
the area that you serve into is the same as in singles. The server may stand anywhere in between the center mark and the doubles sideline
On the serve, it must be in the service box. Other shots will depend what type of tennis you are playing. In doubles the boundaries are the most outward side lines and the baseline. In singles it is the innermost sidelines and the baseline
Only in doubles. Because in doubles you have to serve in the square that is on the other side of the table and on the square on the oposite side of the side you are serving on. In singles you can serve any where or any way you want.
No, only the person standing diagonal from the server at the baseline may return
Serve, ace, smash, forehand, backhand, volleys, slice, top-spin, doubles, singles.
Samantha Stosur won one Grand Slam singles, two in Women's doubles, and two in mixed doubles. She is Australian Pro tennis play who is famous for her powerful serve.
Sports where you serve a ball include tennis, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, and pickleball. In tennis, the serve starts each point, while in volleyball, the serve initiates play and is crucial for scoring. Badminton and table tennis also require a serve to start each rally, and in pickleball, the serve is used to begin each point as well.
A missed serve is called a fault. When she/ he serve is a fault if the server swings and misses the ball
You can hit an underhand serve in tennis; however, the overhand serve is more effective because it is more powerful. That is why you don't see the underhand serve used much.
a serve