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the area that you serve into is the same as in singles. The server may stand anywhere in between the center mark and the doubles sideline

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Q: Tennis are you allow to serve from inside double white lines in playing doubles in tennis?
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What are the long zones at the side of tennis courts for?

The inside line is the boundary for tennis when playing singles. The outside line is the boundary in Doubles.

What is an out in tennis?

In singles...the ball hit inside of the side double lines. In doubles...the ball hit outside of the side double lines.

What can you do outside or inside when your bored?

get some friends and I like to spend my time playing tennis or rune with friends.

What is inside a table tennis ball?

A sealed pocket of Air is inside the hollow center of a table tennis ball.

Is nitrogen gas inside a tennis ball?

Nirogen is inside some kinds of tennis balls. It all depends on what you buy.

How does a tennis ball bounce if there is nothing inside?

There is air inside it. Not nothing.

What is the difference in area between the single and doubles tennis court?

On a tennis court, there will be four rectangles along the side edges. The inside line of those boxes are called the singles sideline. When playing doubles, you use the full court, including those boxes. When playing singles, you exclude those boxes as part of the playing field.

What is the height of a tennis ball?

It all depends on which side you are measuring, the inside or the outside. The inside is shorter than the out because of the thickness of the balls covering. According to Wikipedia a tennis ball is 2.63 in. in diameter. The diameter on the inside will be a little closer to 2.50 in. The thickness of the balls covering is measured millimeters, and I don't know what that would be.

What is a table tennis ball?

A sealed pocket of Air is inside the hollow center of a table tennis ball.

Is the inside of a tennis racket textile material?

yes there is use of textile material for the manufacturing of tennis racket. the wires inside the racket made of nylon,which is a textile material.

What is the scoreing system in badnimton?

if your playing singles you can get a point if it lands inside the box the long way not wide and doubles ie the exact oposite

Is the rubber inside of a tennis ball affected by weather?

yes the weather effect the rubber inside