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After the toppling of Tsar Nicholas through February Revolution, the provisional government failed to bring order to the state. They continued to wage a by then unpopular WW I and could not drag the country out of economic, social and political crisis. The industrial production fell sharply and unemployment and poverty hit the country hard. Bolshevik party under the leadership of Lenin decided to wage armed struggle against the incumbent provisional government and successfully led the October revolution.

In addition, Lenin made bold promises about a democratic new Russia if the Bolsheviks obtained power. He was able to consolidate his rule in Russia through terrorism and the secret police.

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He was at the head of a revolutionary faction which ended up in power. He knew the right people to use and who to talk to, and he picked the timing exactly.

It was easy because he overthrew a government which had done nothing that Tsar Nicholas II hadn't been doing. Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown because the people wanted an end to the war, to food shortages and to unequal land distribution. They also wanted an end to the Russian bureaucracy and to the domination of the Orthodox church. They thought they would get all these things from the Provisional Government was not much different that the Tsar's government and most people were as tired of it as they had been of the Tsar so they did not defend the Provisional Government when Lenin staged his takeover.

One thing Lenin and the Bolsheviks had that the other revolutionary groups did not was an armed military force. Using these forces, Lenin had key military, communications and transportation facilities taken over to paralyze the Provisional Government. The Provisional Government was unable to defend itself from the takeover, its leaders were arrested and the Bolsheviks simply announced that they were now in power.

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Q: Why was it easy for Lenin to gain power in Russia?
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Was it Kerensky or Lenin who kept Russia involved in World War 1?

Kerensky, who led Provsional Government. Lenin was able to gain support to overthrow that government because he promised to withdraw from the war if he and his Bolsheviks gained power. Lenin made good on that promise with the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.

What methods did Lenin and Stalin do to gain power?

See link below.

What nation did Japan fight to gain more power?

Japan fought Russia to try and obtain more power in China.

Did Lenin abandon ideology in order to gain and consolidate power?

Lenin came to power by being a firm believer of the socialist beliefs. He told the Russian people he could give them the socialist and communist utopia. He believed in the economic and social ideologies of socialism. He promised the people "Peace, Bread, Land". If there was somebody who intended to make Russia socialist and communist, Lenin was that person.Under the ideology of socialism there is common ownership of land. Thus Lenin gave the people the promised land. Shortly after he took power he reformed the land decree and land reform. At this point Lenin wasn't abandoning the beliefs and ideologies of socialism. By pleasing the people shortly after he took power he was gaining support. He made sure they will have a good idea of him and this will give him more power.Under socialist ideology there should be a freedom of press and speech. The people should be free. Lenin had this ideology at first as well. Shortly after he took power though he banned the print of other parties and the newspapers became censored. He made the Bolshevik paper Pravda the main newspaper in Petrograd. By banning the other parties from expressing their views and beliefs he secured the power in his own hands and in the hands of his party. With no opposition to disrupt the Bolshevik power, Lenin could only gain power."All power to the soviets" was one of the ideology's Lenin had in the time of the revolution, yet shortly after the Bolsheviks took power the Soviets didn't have "all power". The Bolshevik party and Lenin controlled most of the country's affairs and relations. What Lenin had ideologically promised the Russian people in the time of the revolution wasn't what he was giving the now. Why did Lenin do this? The answer is obvious. Lenin couldn't risk giving all power to the soviets and the people. The soviets at that point in time were so large that if they did have the power could easily have the ability to overthrow Bolshevik power and all the idea of the revolution and socialism. The majority in the soviets was not even Bolshevik party members and thus giving the "all power" would be like handing over all power to another party.The ideology of socialism believes in the utopia and the perfect society. Previously in the time of the Tsar the people wanted to get rid of the law of execution without trial. Lenin promised and believed that should be changed. Every arrest and execution should go with a legit trial. This ideology wasn't fulfilled. The secret police in the time of Lenin, the Cheka had the right to execute arrest and even torture without trial. This meant that Lenin could have a good grip on those who opposed him. This also lead to the fear factor which in a way kept the everyday people and society on their toes and made them unthreatening to Lenin's power.In the time of the Russian civil war, and Lenin's early days as ruler. Russia had the economic policy of War Communism. This policy was ideology correct according to the ideas and beliefs of communism and socialism. This policy however wasn't successful, it lead to famine and wasn't improving Russia's economy or living standard.

Why did Russia withdraw from the war?

the Bolshevik Revolution changed Russian objectivesTwo reasons first off it an extreme famine caused Russians to start a civil war an secondly it also recieved far to many casuallties far too fast

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What did Vladimir Lenin promise the people of Russia to gain their support for the revolution?

Peace, bread, and land.

Was it Kerensky or Lenin who kept Russia involved in World War 1?

Kerensky, who led Provsional Government. Lenin was able to gain support to overthrow that government because he promised to withdraw from the war if he and his Bolsheviks gained power. Lenin made good on that promise with the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.

What methods did Lenin and Stalin do to gain power?

See link below.

What socialist group started to gain large following in Russia under the leadership of Lenin?

The Bolshevik Party gained more and more followers under Lenin.

What nation did Japan fight to gain more power?

Japan fought Russia to try and obtain more power in China.

Who became leader after Lenin suffered a serious stroke in 1922?

After Lenin had his stroke Russia was led by a troika of three people, Joseph Stalin, Gregory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev. Stalin did not gain complete control of the country until 1929.

How did Lenin gain control of Russia between 1918-1921?

Lenin went from hiding out in Finland to leading Russia. He came to power after realizing the government was not set up the way he wished it would be. He used propaganda to help him rise in power.

How did Joseph Stalin gain power in communist Russia?

== == He used purges and violence to make people fear him (and therefore support him) by having anyone who threatened his leadership killed. He also used things like the secret police and propaganda.

Did Lenin abandon ideology in order to gain and consolidate power?

Lenin came to power by being a firm believer of the socialist beliefs. He told the Russian people he could give them the socialist and communist utopia. He believed in the economic and social ideologies of socialism. He promised the people "Peace, Bread, Land". If there was somebody who intended to make Russia socialist and communist, Lenin was that person.Under the ideology of socialism there is common ownership of land. Thus Lenin gave the people the promised land. Shortly after he took power he reformed the land decree and land reform. At this point Lenin wasn't abandoning the beliefs and ideologies of socialism. By pleasing the people shortly after he took power he was gaining support. He made sure they will have a good idea of him and this will give him more power.Under socialist ideology there should be a freedom of press and speech. The people should be free. Lenin had this ideology at first as well. Shortly after he took power though he banned the print of other parties and the newspapers became censored. He made the Bolshevik paper Pravda the main newspaper in Petrograd. By banning the other parties from expressing their views and beliefs he secured the power in his own hands and in the hands of his party. With no opposition to disrupt the Bolshevik power, Lenin could only gain power."All power to the soviets" was one of the ideology's Lenin had in the time of the revolution, yet shortly after the Bolsheviks took power the Soviets didn't have "all power". The Bolshevik party and Lenin controlled most of the country's affairs and relations. What Lenin had ideologically promised the Russian people in the time of the revolution wasn't what he was giving the now. Why did Lenin do this? The answer is obvious. Lenin couldn't risk giving all power to the soviets and the people. The soviets at that point in time were so large that if they did have the power could easily have the ability to overthrow Bolshevik power and all the idea of the revolution and socialism. The majority in the soviets was not even Bolshevik party members and thus giving the "all power" would be like handing over all power to another party.The ideology of socialism believes in the utopia and the perfect society. Previously in the time of the Tsar the people wanted to get rid of the law of execution without trial. Lenin promised and believed that should be changed. Every arrest and execution should go with a legit trial. This ideology wasn't fulfilled. The secret police in the time of Lenin, the Cheka had the right to execute arrest and even torture without trial. This meant that Lenin could have a good grip on those who opposed him. This also lead to the fear factor which in a way kept the everyday people and society on their toes and made them unthreatening to Lenin's power.In the time of the Russian civil war, and Lenin's early days as ruler. Russia had the economic policy of War Communism. This policy was ideology correct according to the ideas and beliefs of communism and socialism. This policy however wasn't successful, it lead to famine and wasn't improving Russia's economy or living standard.

Why did Russia withdraw from the war?

the Bolshevik Revolution changed Russian objectivesTwo reasons first off it an extreme famine caused Russians to start a civil war an secondly it also recieved far to many casuallties far too fast

What did Lenin gain after the Russian revolution?

Stalin didn't gain anything.. But ruined his own hereafter.

Why did Stalin pretend he was close to lenin?

There are various reasons that Stalin pretended that he was close to Lenin. For example, he thought that it would gain him support.