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the Bolshevik Revolution changed Russian objectives
Two reasons first off it an extreme famine caused Russians to start a civil war an secondly it also recieved far to many casuallties far too fast
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8y ago
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13y ago

Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian Government, causing the Russian Revolution in 1917. Lenin and the new government realized that the ailing Russia could not fight anymore, so they signed a treaty with Germany to cease hostilities.

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8y ago

After the Bolshevik Revolution in the Fall of 1917, the Bolsheviks, under Vladamir Lenin withdrew from World War One. The Russians casualties during the war were extremely high and there was a lack of food and jobs on the home front. The new Provisional government was weak and the Bolsheviks took advantage of it to overthrow it. There is evidence that Germany assisted Lenin and many exiled Bolsheviks a safe railway return to Russia in exchange for them removing Russia from the war, should they gain power there. Also, Lenin had agreed to sigh a terrible peace agreement with Germany after he took control of Russia. This he did despite many Bolshevik objections.

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16y ago

It is because a revolution broke out in Russia. Lenin set up a communist government in Russia. In March 1918, Russia signed an armistice with Germany.

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What events in Russia caused the country to withdraw from the war?

The economic loss in Russia and the revolution started in Russia caused Russia to withdraw from the war.

What did russia surrender in world war 1?

Russia had to withdraw from the war due to the communist revolution in Russia led by Vladimir Lenin.

What event in Russia caused them to withdraw from the war?

the revolution began

Why did russia withdraw from war in 1917?

Because they had lost well over a million men.

Who was the leader of russia after the withdraw from world war 1?

Vladimir Ilych (VI) Lenin (Ulyanov).

When Did Russia Withdraw From World War 1?

in 1917 russia withdrew from the war specifically December 1917

Who hoped in 1917 that vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks would stir up dissent in russia and would withdraw from war?

The Germans.

How did Russia's decision to withdraw from World War 1 result?

losing control over significant amount of territory apex

Did Russia surrender in war world II?

Russia didn't withdraw from World War 2. They were in the fight until it was over. In World War 1, Russia broke into a civil war, referred to as the Russian Revolution, causing the Communists to take over Russia, creating the Soviet Union.

When did Russia withdraw from World War 1 and why?

because the bolshevik revolution ousted to czar from power, and the new government didnt believe russia needed to be involved in the war. That and the were ill equipped, ill prepared, and suffering mass casualties

What did the Russian revolution do?

It caused Russia to pull out of the war and sign a peace treaty with Germany, breaking up the anti-German alliance, to which imperial Russia had belonged.World War 1 caused the Russian army to withdraw and protest against their army.

Why did Russia withdraw from WW1 in 1917?

Russia was losing and it was hard for them, this was affecting the government and people. Food and fuel for the war was running out, and the people started to doubt that they could hold much more in the war. The formal end was 1918 march 3.