He drove Trotsky out by a police force that he created in secret. Then, i think he killed Trotsky or sent him into exile.
The main persons vying for power were Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin. There were others, such as Grigori Zinoviev and Nikolai Bukharin, but the first battle was between Trotsky and Stalin. Lenin favored Trotsky over Stalin, but Stalin was too entrenched in the Communist Party for Trotsky to win that struggle.
Trotsky never did reign over Russia. Lenin did at first after the Revolution. Then Lenin became ill and Joseph Stalin, Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev ruled together. After Lenin died, Trotsky was supposed to take over according to papers left behind by Lenin, but Stalin prevented that and forced Trotsky first out of the Communist Party then out of the country.
While Lenin was initially critical of both Trotsky and Stalin, toward the end he began to see Stalin's true ambitions and strongly favored Trotsky over him. Trotsky, (who was by no means an angle) was ruthless but extremely dedicated to communism and sincerely belived in the cause. Trotsky would probably no do any thing as awful as Stalin did and probably would have entered WWII before stalin. all and all Trotsky's soviet union would probably bear more resembelence to the one envisioned by comrade Lenin.
He was adverse to Stalin taking over, so he probably wanted Trotsky to come to power.
Stalin was glad to be rid of Lenin so that he could now take over the Communist Party and the Soviet Union himself. Stalin had been running the government behind Lenin's back with Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev. Now he did not have to hide it. Also, Stalin was making disparaging remarks about Lenin because of his invalided condition after his strokes. Trotsky was sad to see Lenin go, but at the same time worried because he knew what Stalin would try to eliminate him now that Lenin was no longer there to keep Stalin in line.
Lenin was leader of Bolsheviks and Trotsky was second in command until Lenin died in 1924. Lenin had appointed Trotsky People's Commissar for External Affairs after the October Revolution. Then, when the Russian Civil War broke out, Lenin appointed him Commissar of War. Lenin had picked Trotsky over Stalin to succed him but Trotsky lost out to Stalin and others for the right to succeed Lenin. Stalin managed to expel Trotsky from the Communist Party and then from the country. In 1940, Stalin had a Russian agent murder Trotsky.
The main persons vying for power were Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin. There were others, such as Grigori Zinoviev and Nikolai Bukharin, but the first battle was between Trotsky and Stalin. Lenin favored Trotsky over Stalin, but Stalin was too entrenched in the Communist Party for Trotsky to win that struggle.
Joseph Stalin prevailed over Trotsky since they were the two main rivals to succed Lenin on his death.
Trotsky never did reign over Russia. Lenin did at first after the Revolution. Then Lenin became ill and Joseph Stalin, Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev ruled together. After Lenin died, Trotsky was supposed to take over according to papers left behind by Lenin, but Stalin prevented that and forced Trotsky first out of the Communist Party then out of the country.
While Lenin was initially critical of both Trotsky and Stalin, toward the end he began to see Stalin's true ambitions and strongly favored Trotsky over him. Trotsky, (who was by no means an angle) was ruthless but extremely dedicated to communism and sincerely belived in the cause. Trotsky would probably no do any thing as awful as Stalin did and probably would have entered WWII before stalin. all and all Trotsky's soviet union would probably bear more resembelence to the one envisioned by comrade Lenin.
He was adverse to Stalin taking over, so he probably wanted Trotsky to come to power.
Lenin was a great political leader working for the greater good of the workers of Russia, and Stalin was an autocratic dictator who exploited Russia's workers for his own good. The relationship between them was that Stalin worked under Lenin, and when Lenin died, and Stalin seized power over Russia, even though Lenin had specifically stated that Trotsky should succeed him, Stalin tried to associate himself with the well loved Lenin in order to create an image of himself that differed from his true anti-Marxist intentions.
Stalin was glad to be rid of Lenin so that he could now take over the Communist Party and the Soviet Union himself. Stalin had been running the government behind Lenin's back with Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev. Now he did not have to hide it. Also, Stalin was making disparaging remarks about Lenin because of his invalided condition after his strokes. Trotsky was sad to see Lenin go, but at the same time worried because he knew what Stalin would try to eliminate him now that Lenin was no longer there to keep Stalin in line.
Stalin saw Leon Trotsky as a threat to his power as the Soviet leader. Trotsky had been a vocal critic of Stalin and Stalin's so-called "communists". Stalin had Trotsky exiled and later assassinated. Even in exile, Trotsky was considered as a major threat by Stalin. Trotsky's ideas were being spread around the world in Marxist circles. Stalin believed he had to liquidate the Marxist Trotsky.
Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky were both editors of the Iskra in Russian 1902. Lenin and Trotsky were also both Russian revolutionaries, even though they did not see eye to all on all things related to this. However, in 1904 the men reconciled their differences.
Although Vladimir Lenin had chosen Trotsky to succeed him, Joseph Stalin kept that from being made public. Stalin was already Secretary General of the Communist Party and had installed many friends in high office who were loyal to him. Stalin also allied himself with Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kaminev to run the government while Lenin was incapacitated as well as after his death. Stalin thus had virtually all of the important people in the Communist Party on his side and against Trotsky, so he was easily able to get a vote to expel Trotsky from the Communist Party and then exile him from the country.
The main persons vying for power were Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin. There were others, such as Grigori Zinoviev and Nikolai Bukharin, but the first battle was between Trotsky and Stalin. Lenin favored Trotsky over Stalin, but Stalin was too entrenched in the Communist Party for Trotsky to win that struggle.