

Why did Lenin hate Stalin?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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14y ago

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Stalin saw Leon Trotsky as a threat to his power as the Soviet leader. Trotsky had been a vocal critic of Stalin and Stalin's so-called "communists". Stalin had Trotsky exiled and later assassinated. Even in exile, Trotsky was considered as a major threat by Stalin. Trotsky's ideas were being spread around the world in Marxist circles. Stalin believed he had to liquidate the Marxist Trotsky.

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9y ago

Leon Trotsky, even in exile, was an important figure in world communism. His reputation from the early years before and after the Bolshevik revolution was well respected among many Marxists and even democratic socialists. Trotsky's writings on the travesties of Stalin were widely distributed. In order to halt these attacks, Stalin placed a bounty for the death of Trotsky.

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13y ago

Philosophically, their difference was that Stalin believed in achieving "socialism in one country" first, then spreading it to neighboring capitalist states. Trotsky believed that there must be a "permanent revolution" against capitalist forces in all states at all times until socialism was attained. Trotsky's view was closer to the classic Marxist interpretation.

Practically speaking, their conflict was as to who would head the new Soviet government once Vladimir Lenin was dead. Both disliked one another and both wanted to succeed Lenin.

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14y ago

Because Stalin, made an abusive phone call to Lenin's wife. And so Lenin used that against him.

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12y ago

Stalin got rid of Trotsky as he was his rival to take over Russia after lenin died.

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