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Lenin adapted Karl Marx's ideas about communism and socialism although with some differences. After the Revolution and during the Russian Civil War, Lenin imposed a socialist system in place of the former capitalist system and he imposed what was called 'war communism' on the country.

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Lenin did not adapt Marx’s ideas, he completely distorted them. Marx foresaw workers liberating themselves, but Lenin supported leadership, with a vanguard taking control and establishing a state capitalist Dictatorship.

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Q: Whose ideas about communism did Lenin adapt?
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Was Vladimir Lenin a communist?

Yes, Lenin was a communist, although his ideas on how a country should become communist were not the same as Karl Marx's ideas. Lenin often deviated from strict Marxist ideology in order to accomplish his personal agenda.

Why did Lenin compromise between the ideas of capitalism and communism in creating the NEP?

Officially unknown but many predict it was to smoothen the ideological transition

What year did Lenin found Bolshevism?

In 1903, at the Russian Social Democratic Party Congress in Brussels, Belgium, Lenin adopted the name Bolshevik as the name for his faction of the Marxist RSDP. Lenin's group was more radical than the rest of the RSDP, which became known as the Mensheviks. Lenin's ideas had been forming over the years prior to this; however this was the first time the name Bolshevism was applied to Lenin's philosophy of the way to attain first socialism and then communism.

Who was a leader and a hero of the Russian Revolution Lenin Stalin or Marx?

Lenin was the leader and hero of the October Revolution of 1917, but had nothing to do with the February Revolution in 1917. Stalin was a subordinate to Lenin at the time so he was not a leader at all. Karl Marx had died by the time of the revolution, so aside from planting the ideas of socialism, communism and a revolt by the people in their minds, he had nothing to do with the revolution itself. well this is helpfull

What is the difference between the theory of communism and the practice of communism?

To put things simply: The theory of communism is really Marxism. Marxists believe that- Human history is the history of class struggles there are two classes of capitalist society - Bourgeoisie - Proletariat there are four stages of Human history - Feudalism - Capitalism - Dictatorship of the Proletariat - Communism The exploited proletariat will revolt against the bourgeoisie creating a strong centralised government. Eventually this dictatorship will 'wither away,' creating a society without classes. Communism in practice is what happens when the theory of communism is attempted. In the Soviet Union when communism was put into practice Marxist ideas were altered an changed. Some major changes were- Marx wanted party leaders to be responsible for members. Lenin felt obliged to insist on loyalty. The bureaucracy became more powerful, retaining many privileges. Ideas of democracy were abandoned Lenin had changed Marxism into policy in which the state imposed socialism by force. Marx's theory of economic determinism was abandoned. Freedom was suppressed

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Why did Lenin have to change the economic ideas of communism?

Pragmatism: the old ideas weren't working. For example, war communism was fine when war was happening, but as soon as peace strikes, it is very much a backward step.

Was Vladimir Lenin a communist?

Yes, Lenin was a communist, although his ideas on how a country should become communist were not the same as Karl Marx's ideas. Lenin often deviated from strict Marxist ideology in order to accomplish his personal agenda.

Why did Lenin compromise between the ideas of capitalism and communism in creating the NEP?

Officially unknown but many predict it was to smoothen the ideological transition

Why was communism disliked?

The rich and powerful dislike Communism, as a classless society would mean the end of their privileges.

How was communism started in russia?

Communism took off after Lenin saw the way Hitler was putting his Fascism to use. Both ideas were taken from a "Utopia" sort of ideology started by Karl Marx.

How have communist leaders misused Karl Marx's ideas?

Vladimir Lenin advanced the idea of communism to the people of Russia promising them that they would be better off under a communist regime than under the Czarist regime. The revolution was driven by political forces, not by the economic ones that Marx theorized about. Lenin did not abolish state government although Marx saw communism as a society without a government or even a need for one. After Lenin, Stalin made the government even more powerful and oppressive than had been the Czarist regime. Lenin and Stalin sold communism to the Russian people, however after the Russian people paid the price for that communism, neither Lenin nor Stalin delivered the promised product.

How did Lenins communism in russia differ from tradional ideas of communism?

Lenin believed in the idea of socialism in one country whereas Marx believed in a worldwide revolution. Lenin also believed that revolution would not happen by itself and that it needed a group of revolutionary elite to lead it. Marx believed that all the proletariat would eventually rise and revolt.

Which two speakers represent Karl Marx's ideas of Communism?

Friedrich Engels and Vladimir Lenin are two speakers who represent Karl Marx's ideas of Communism. Engels was Marx's collaborator and co-author of "The Communist Manifesto," while Lenin implemented Marxist ideas in the Russian Revolution and established the first communist state in the world.

In leading the Communist revolution Lenin followed some of the ideas of what writer?

Lenin followed many but not all, of Karl Marx's ideas.

What year did Lenin found Bolshevism?

In 1903, at the Russian Social Democratic Party Congress in Brussels, Belgium, Lenin adopted the name Bolshevik as the name for his faction of the Marxist RSDP. Lenin's group was more radical than the rest of the RSDP, which became known as the Mensheviks. Lenin's ideas had been forming over the years prior to this; however this was the first time the name Bolshevism was applied to Lenin's philosophy of the way to attain first socialism and then communism.

Why did Lenin adapt Marxists idea to Russian conditions?

Because Russia did not have a large force of urban workers.