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In 1903, at the Russian Social Democratic Party Congress in Brussels, Belgium, Lenin adopted the name Bolshevik as the name for his faction of the Marxist RSDP. Lenin's group was more radical than the rest of the RSDP, which became known as the Mensheviks. Lenin's ideas had been forming over the years prior to this; however this was the first time the name Bolshevism was applied to Lenin's philosophy of the way to attain first socialism and then communism.

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Q: What year did Lenin found Bolshevism?
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Is a Bolshevik a person?

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Stalin instituted the Five-Year Plans in order to quickly generate capital for, and ensure the Soviet Unionâ??s economic strength in case of, another World War. One of Stalinâ??s signature moves was to reinstate state control of the farming system which had been decentralized under Leninâ??s New Economic Policy. Stalin also wished to return the Soviet economy to the policy of Bolshevism, or a nationalized, communist economy which had been eroded under Lenin's NEP.

What year did Lenin bring communism in Russia?

in 1917

What actors and actresses appeared in Obyknovennyy bolshevism - 2000?

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