Officially unknown but many predict it was to smoothen the ideological transition
Capitalism and communism - APEX.
The capitalism in China today is decidedly Western. They are as obsessed with wealth as any Western nation, but it is only for an elite class, and the gap between the poor and rich is much larger.
Lenin's New Economic Policy was a temporary measure instituted in order to rebuild the Russian economy. It permitted peasant farmers to grow crops for personal profit and permitted small businesses, typically those with fewer than 10 employees, to operate for profit. After years of "war communism" during the Russian Civil War, the Russian economy was worse off than it had been under the final years of the Tsarist regime. Many hard-line Bolsheviks felt this was capitulating to capitalism but Lenin stated it was simply taking two steps forward and one back.
Western Europe is predominantly private capitalist, while China is a mix of state and private capitalist.
To put things simply: The theory of communism is really Marxism. Marxists believe that- Human history is the history of class struggles there are two classes of capitalist society - Bourgeoisie - Proletariat there are four stages of Human history - Feudalism - Capitalism - Dictatorship of the Proletariat - Communism The exploited proletariat will revolt against the bourgeoisie creating a strong centralised government. Eventually this dictatorship will 'wither away,' creating a society without classes. Communism in practice is what happens when the theory of communism is attempted. In the Soviet Union when communism was put into practice Marxist ideas were altered an changed. Some major changes were- Marx wanted party leaders to be responsible for members. Lenin felt obliged to insist on loyalty. The bureaucracy became more powerful, retaining many privileges. Ideas of democracy were abandoned Lenin had changed Marxism into policy in which the state imposed socialism by force. Marx's theory of economic determinism was abandoned. Freedom was suppressed
Socialism is not a compromise between capitalism and communism, it is a distinct economic system and mode of production. A "mixed economy" is often cited as being a compromise between socialism and capitalism, but in practice most mixed economies are interventionist capitalist economies.
Capitalism and communism - APEX.
Marx talked about the dictatorship of the proletariat as the transition between capitalism and Communism. This just meant the working class taking temporary control of the state and using it as part of the changeover to a classless society.
communism vs. capitalism
There can be no such compromise, as Socialism and capitalism are completely distinct systems. Socialism means a classless stateless society based on production for use, while capitalism has a class division and production for profit.
capitalism vs "communism"
It increased tensions in the Cold War between communism (USSR) and capitalism (USA).
Capitalism and communism
Capitalism and communism
Socialism and communism are similar in the way they are supposed to work - all power being shared equally - and capitalism is similar to socialism in that everybody should ideally get out what they put in proportionally, but communism and capitalism are the exact opposites.
He was in between communism (collectivism) and capitalism (individualism). he had settled on a point of middle ideological thinking.