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Q: Who shot free throws granny style?
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Did basketball players back then shoot granny style?

Yes when basketball was just invented players used the " granny shot" method to shoot threes, post shots, and free throws. We dont know why but they just thought thats the way to shoot.

How many free throws do you get in college?

The same as everywhere else. 2 for a 2 point field and if you miss the shot. 3 free throws for a 3 pointer and if you miss that shot. 1 free throw if you're fouled and you make the shot. 1 or 2 free throws on technical fouls/flagrant or intentional fouls

Is it a foul in basketball in you get shoved after your shot?

Yes it is a foul but you don't get free throws

Who has shot the most free throws in college basketball history?

tyler hansborough

If you are foulded while shooting a layup how many shot do you get?

you get two free throws

What is Jordan free throw average as a rookie?

He shot .845 in his rookie season on 630 of 746 free throws.

What is the shot called that is shot after a foul?

After a foul, a player is given either 1, 2, or 3 free throws shot from the free throw line.1 free throw is given if the shot that the player was fouled while taking goes in. This is called an and-1. If the free throw is made, it is called a 3-point play.2 free throws are given when a player is fouled during a shot and the shot missed.3 free throws are given when a player is fouled during a 3 point shot and misses. If the shot is made and the consecutive free throw is also made, this is a special type of and-1 called a 4-point play.

How many points is a free throws?

A free throw is worth one point per shot that you make. so say if you shoot 3 free throws but only make 1 it would be 1 point.

What are the four basic kinds of shooting in basketball?

Arked Shot, Granny Shot, Hook Shot, Balanced Shot

Who invented the granny shot in nba?

Dave Gambee

What are penalties in basketball?

Penalties in basketball are violates that result in free throws, change of possession, or getting more time on the shot clock. For example some penalties are traveling and hacking (hacking results in free throws)

How does a referee determine how many free throws are awarded when a player is fouled when shooting?

Im assuming you mean in basketball. If the player is shooting from inside the arc (three-point line), then they receive two free throws. Outside the arc, then they receive three free throws. If the shot goes into the basket, then they receive one extra free throw.