NFL goal posts were moved back before the beginning of the 1974 season. The was done to try and reduce the number of field goals kicked during a game, especially at the end of games, to make things safer around the goal line for the players, and make passing around the middle of the field at the goal line more productive.
The original American football field was 70 yards wide, but that was long before the days of the NFL. The width of the NFL field has never changed, because the standard width of 53 1/3 yards was in place before the league came into existence.
No they wern't.
Because It was cheaper back then.
22 feet
It depends on the level of play you're asking about. At the high school level, the goal posts are 10' high and 23' 4" wide. On both the collegiate and professional levels, the only difference from high school is that the goalposts are 18' 6" wide.
The NFL moved the goal posts from the goal line to the end line for the 1974 season.
The goal posts in the NFL and college are 18 feet, 6 inches apart. In high school, goal posts are 23 feet, 6 inches apart.
In the NFL, goal posts are 18 feet, 6 inches wide. The NCAA uses the same dimensions for their goal posts.
In the NFL and NCAA, goal posts are 6 inches wide. High school football fields usually use goal posts that are 4 inches wide.
To establish trading posts.
Goal posts in both the NFL and college football are 18 feet 6 inches apart. The goal posts in college used to be 23 feet 4 inches wide but were reduced to the same width as the NFL in 1991.
Most football goal posts are made of some type of metal. Football goal posts for the NFL are made out of steel with a mixture of aluminum. Soccer goal posts are usually aluminum or plastic with a net in between the posts.
The actual structure of the goal posts may vary, but by rule the only difference is the distance between the uprights. In college (and the NFL), they are 18 feet 6 inches apart. In high school, they are 23 feet 4 inches apart.
NFl goal posts are 18 foot 6 inches wide. The cross bar is 10 foot from the ground, and posts extend to a hight of at least 30 foot above the crossbar.
In the NFL, rules state that the uprights must extend for at least 20 feet above the crossbar.
In the NFL, goal posts are 10 feet high and 18 1/2 feet wide.