The actual structure of the goal posts may vary, but by rule the only difference is the distance between the uprights. In college (and the NFL), they are 18 feet 6 inches apart. In high school, they are 23 feet 4 inches apart.
There are three goal posts on each side of the quidditch field so there are six goal posts altogether on the quidditch field.
I think they're called field goal posts
There are two uprights.
The Rose Bowl Stadium is a multi-use field. The Field Goal posts are removable.
The goal posts in the NFL and college are 18 feet, 6 inches apart. In high school, goal posts are 23 feet, 6 inches apart.
At the front of the endzone
18.6 feet
If a point after touchdown or field goal attempt should hit the goal post and go through the uprights, it is considered a good kick. However, if a passed ball or a fumble hits the goal posts, the ball is considered dead.
In short - yes. A field goal is calculated from the spot of the kick to the goal posts - so line of snap+10 yds (end zone) plus length from snap to hold (usually 7 yds)
Soccer goal posts must not be more than 5 in (12 cm) and must be the same as the width of the lines on the field.
The goal posts are placed eight yards apart at the center of each end of the field. I hope this answers my question