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Because It was cheaper back then.

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Q: Did they use wood goal posts in professional American football?
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Was the width of the goal posts for professional football ever changed?

The original American football field was 70 yards wide, but that was long before the days of the NFL. The width of the NFL field has never changed, because the standard width of 53 1/3 yards was in place before the league came into existence.

What is the measure of a football goal post?

It depends on the level of play you're asking about. At the high school level, the goal posts are 10' high and 23' 4" wide. On both the collegiate and professional levels, the only difference from high school is that the goalposts are 18' 6" wide.

What is longest field goal in American football?

Tom Dempsey and Jason Elam are tied for the longest with 63 yards.

In AFL were the goal posts ever square at the bottom?

No they wern't.

How is American football played?

The game of football is to score points by running the ball into the opposing team's end zone. The ball can be advanced by running with it or throwing it to a teammate. Teams must get the ball downfield 10 yards in 4 attempts called downs. Points can be scored by carrying the ball over the opponent's goal line, catching a pass thrown over that goal line or by kicking the ball through the opponent's goal posts or tackling an opposing ball carrier in his own end zone. American football is a sport played by two teams of 11 players. It is played on a field that is 120 yards long and has a goal on both ends. The offensive team has four downs to get the football 10 yards or more at a time. If that goal is not achieved, the offensive team loses possession of the ball and the defensive team becomes the offensive team. Players on the defensive team will attempt to tackle the offensive player with the ball in order to stop advancement of the ball or take possession of the ball. A team can score by making it to the end zone or by kicking a field goal. The team with the highest amount of points after four periods of play wins.

Related questions

Where were the goal posts for the American Football League 1960-1969?

On the goal line

Goal post what is wider between soccer and American football?

Soccer goal posts are 8 yards apart. Someone else care to document distance between American football posts?

How wide are American football goal posts?

The goal posts in the NFL and college are 18 feet, 6 inches apart. In high school, goal posts are 23 feet, 6 inches apart.

The width of an Canadian football league goal post?

The goal post dimensions in Canadian football are the same as in American football. The goal posts are on the goal line. The hash marks are not in line with the uprights.

Was the width of the goal posts for professional football ever changed?

The original American football field was 70 yards wide, but that was long before the days of the NFL. The width of the NFL field has never changed, because the standard width of 53 1/3 yards was in place before the league came into existence.

Is football goal posts made of metal?

Most football goal posts are made of some type of metal. Football goal posts for the NFL are made out of steel with a mixture of aluminum. Soccer goal posts are usually aluminum or plastic with a net in between the posts.

How is geometry used in American football?

The field is a rectangle. The goal posts have 90° angles. Finally, the field is separated into congruent parts.

What is the angle of football goal posts?

90 degree angle

How wide are the goal posts in college football?

18.6 feet

What color can high school football goal posts contain?


What is the name of the thing you kick a football for a field goal?

Goal posts, commonly referred to as "uprights."

What is width of goalposts in pro football?

In the NFL, goal posts are 18 feet, 6 inches wide. The NCAA uses the same dimensions for their goal posts.