They started wearing helmets when a guy got tackled and he got an injury so they decided to make an invention that protects your head from you getting hurt. It's made of hard steel so when you bump into somebody you don't get an injury. That's when they started making helmets......
it started in 1342
The St.Louis Blues started playing in the NHL in 1967.
Helmets were made mandatory in 1971 but were in use by many players as far back as the 1940s. Hall of Fame Catcher Roger Bresnahan played between 1897 - 1915. Bresnahan most notable contributions to the game were in protective equipment. In 1905 after getting "beaned" in the head with a baseball began experimenting with head gear similar to the leather football helmet of the period that were made by A.J. Reach. Sliced vertically: one half for covering the left side of a right handed batter's head, the other for the lefty hitter. Two years later in 1907 he devised catcher's shin guards. He was the only catcher using them. Ignoring the ridicule, it was not thought to be gentlemanly to use them. By 1909 the design was refined, and became accepted, and more wildly used. I will leave a link below for more information. -Steven KeyMan
Hockey helmets were also not used till the 1970s and were directed by the National Hockey League during 1979-1980.
The NFL (National Football Leage) did not make the plastic helmets mandatory until the year 1943 because of concussions from the rubber helmets that were used before.
It started in 1889 or 1892
he started playing hockey at the age of 7.
NHL Hockey was founded November 22, 1917 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
in 1958
it started in 1342