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Well... speaking game wise~

A full game is 90 mins. But... You can go into two periods of over-time and penalty kicks if there is still no goal scored. Most likely 120 mins is the longest time ツ

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Q: What was the longest total time that a soccer goal was not scored?
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What do you call a goal scored in overtime of a soccer match?

It is merely "a goal."

What is the quickest goal scored in soccer?

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How are goals scored in soccer?

By getting the ball into the goal ie score a goal

When is a soccer goal scored?

When the ball enters either goal while in play.

Who scored the furthest soccer goal in history?

It was scored by a goal keeper, take a look at this:

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The longest goal scored from distance was Suli Muuntari of Ghana.

What dose goal difference mean in English soccer.?

It's the total goals the team has scored minus the total goals the team has conceded. Say a team scored a total of 7 goals in 3 games (for example) and conceded a total of 4. The goal difference is 7-4=3.

Can a soccer goal be scored from a throw in if the opponent's goalie touches before it goes in the goal?

Once any player has touched it after a throw-in a goal may be scored.

What is the longest soccer kicked in professional soccer?

4 goalies have scored from practically the entire field in the EPL alone. This is a common occurrence across the world so it is though to tell what the longest really is. I would assume 100+ yards. See videos of "Tim Howard goal" or "Giovanni van bronckhorst goal vs Uruguay" for reference.

Who scored the first soccer goal in history?

lucien larent

Can a soccer keeper score a goal directly from a kick out of his hands?

A goal may be a scored directly from a goal keeper punt.