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Opening a hole us harder running through it means the work was already done

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Q: What is harder in football opening a hole or running through a hole?
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Witch is harder football or hockey?

It would probably be hockey. You need to learn to skate, skate with a stick, control the puck. In football, you have to learn to throw/catch the ball, but running is easier than skating.

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Denver Broncos stadium because they have the highest point for a football field and it makes it harder because they are cold and they mostly have asthma and it is just a lot harder.

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It depends on what you are good at. If you have exceptional balance, and are a light person, football will be harder. If you are a heavier, strong, person who does not have good balance, you will find ballet is harder.

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im a girl and do gymnastics i think football is so much harder than gymnastics.

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Is gymnastics harder than free running?

Yes, Gymnastics is harder than free running because you have to flip and back flip and do uneven bar's. So yes it is harder.

Is it harder to run in flip flops than running shoes?

Yes it is harder. Running shoes are designed just for that - running. The soles provide extra cushioning as you run; and they flex better than flip flops for more explosive movement. It is even harder to kick a ball in flip flops - for more often than not, the footwear will dessert the foot and fly through the air in pursuit of the ball!!

Is football harder than dance?

it depends on what kind of dance

What does physical activity means?

An activity that causes the heart rate to increase, the lungs to work harder, and body muscles to be exerted (exercised) are classed as a physical activity: cycling, swimming, running, playing football, etc, are all examples.