Well, ballet and gymnastics are actually quite alike so the answer is no.
im a girl and do gymnastics i think football is so much harder than gymnastics.
Gymnastics from the 1900's wasn't any more difficult than gymnastics today, however today there are far more safety measures in place. In the past there wasn't as much information about proper health and training techniques either.
Gymnastics is a harder sport than football. It's your own definition of something.
Gymnastics and Cheerleading are much alike in ways but Gymnastics is way harder Gymnast do tumble and do flips on the ground but they also do it 6 feet in the air on a 4 inch beam! Gymnastics gets judged on skills and if you don't do them perfect, that's just to bad. Most sports have an hour or longer to do there sport or a certain amount of tries, but gymnastics gets only one.
Gymnastics is definitely a harder and tougher sport both skill wise and the sport itself. Gymnastics is such a brutal sport while football is for wimps Gymnasts are probably tougher than the navy seals!!!
No it is not illegal, although be careful because the ground is a lot harder and less forgiving than a gym floor.
Yes it is harder. Running shoes are designed just for that - running. The soles provide extra cushioning as you run; and they flex better than flip flops for more explosive movement. It is even harder to kick a ball in flip flops - for more often than not, the footwear will dessert the foot and fly through the air in pursuit of the ball!!
Gymnastics is WAYYYYYYYY harder than football!!!! I have been in it for 4 and 1/2 years and the training and dedication you have to have is amazing!!!!! Not to menchine the injuries!!! There is no doubt in my mind that gymnastics is harder than football!!!!!
These days it gets harder and harder to get things for free so if you get a free offer than feel lucky and accept it. Besides, you could return the favor to somebody else.
ive never really been a skater, but ive done gymnastics, and gymnastics can be HARD. you have to practice for several, hardcore hours just about every day for beam, bars, floor, vault, and conditioning (about 4 hours total everyday or every other day). skating involves constantly learning, trying, and falling, but im not sure if you have to work out for it. honestly, it all just all depends.